Tested in Ubuntu Server 21.10
This guide assumes that you installed FormShare from source following the installation guide
pkill -F /opt/formshare_gunicorn/formshare.pid
#formshare.plugins = plugin1 plugin2 plugin3
cd /opt/formshare
sudo git branch [new_stable_branch_name]
sudo git checkout [new_stable_branch_name]
sudo git pull origin [new_stable_branch_name]
cd /opt
sudo rm -R -f formshare_env
sudo python3 -m venv formshare_env
sudo chown -R $whoami formshare
sudo chown -R $whoami formshare_env
source ./formshare_env/bin/activate
pip install wheel
pip install -r /opt/formshare/requirements.txt
cd /opt/formshare
python setup.py develop
python setup.py compile_catalog
alembic upgrade head
python setup.py develop
python setup.py compile_catalog
formshare.plugins = plugin1 plugin2 plugin3
cd /opt/formshare
pserve ./development.ini
# The process ID of FormShare will be in /opt/formshare_gunicorn/formshare.pid