- Leader\
- Local Leader:
- Command
- Color scheme.
- An argument in a list of arguments surrounded by braces and commas. (provided by vim-swap)il
- The current line (provided by vim-textobj-line).ie
- The entire content of the current buffer (provided by vim-textobj-entire).i%
- Any block text objects (provided by match-up)ii
- An Indentation level and line above/below (provided by vim-indent-object)ib
- Search and select a sandwiched text automatically or with query (provided by vim-sandwich)
- Function text objects (provided by vim-go)ic
- Comment text objects (provided by vim-go)
- Move lines in normal and visual mode.<Leader>y
- Copy to and paste from system clipboard.<Leader>w
- Fast saving.<Leader>o
- Close all other windows but the current window.<Leader>O
- Close all other tabs but the current tab.<Leader>q
- Quit the current window.<Leader>Q
- Close the current tab.<Leader>x
- Close the quickfix window.:CC
- Toggle color column.:CD
- Change directory of the current file.
- Switch tab by #.
- Open terminal in current window:TT
- Open terminal in new tab:TS
- Open terminal in horizontal:TV
- Open terminal in vertical
,[%', ']%
- Better%
- to split a one-liner into multiple linesgJ
- (with the cursor on the first line of a block) to join a block into a single-line statement.
- swaps the item under the cursor with the former/latter item.gs
- works more interactive. It starts "swap mode". In the mode, useh
to swap items,j
to choose item, numbers1
to selectn
th item,u
to undo/redo, and as you know<Esc>
to exit "swap mode". In |linewise-visual| and |blockwise-visual| mode, this plugin always swaps in each line.
- Expand and shrink the visual selection.
- Clear highlighted text in normal mode
- Add surrounding, e.g.:saiw(
- Delete surrounding, e.g.:dst
- Change surrounding, , e.g.:sr'"
- Searchs a set of surrounding automatically.<LocalLeader>s
- Quick surround word or WORD.
- Convert to MixedCasecrc
- Convert to camelCasecrs
- Convert to snake_casecru
- Convert to UPPER_CASEcr-
- dash-case (cr-
), dot.case (cr.
), space case (cr<Space>
), and Title Case (crt
- Preserve case substitute
- Easy align in normal mode.ga
- Easy align in visual mode.
- Replace {motion} text with the contents of the unnamed register.grr
- Replace line with the contents of the unnamed register.{Visual}gr
- Replace the selection with the contents of the unnamed register.
comment out the target of a motiongcc
- comment out a line (takes a count)gc
- in visual mode to comment out the selection,Commentary
use it as a command, either with a range like:7,17Commentary
, or as part of a :global invocation like with:g/TODO/Commentary
Buffers(bp, bn, bfirst, blast)[q
- url/xml/cstring encode and decode[<Space>
- new line above/below[e
- exchange line above/below[c
- Quick jumping between blocks of changed lines (prodivded by gitgutter)
- Expand auto completion and ultisnips, jump forward and backword.<Ctrl-l>
- Show all snippet list in insert mode.
- Toggle auto pairs<Alt-e>
- Fast Wrap<Alt-l>
- Jump to next closed pair
- Go to beginning of line.<Ctrl-b>
- Go backwards one character.<Ctrl-d>
- Delete character in front of cursor.<Ctrl-e>
- Go to end of line.<Ctrl-f>
- Move forward one character.<Ctrl-t>
- Transpose two characters.<Alt-BS>
- Delete backward one word.<Alt-b>
- Go backwards one word.<Alt-d>
- Delete forwards one word.<Alt-f>
- Go forwards one word.<Alt-p>
- Up down
- Gblame.
- Undo tree toggle.
- Show fzf window for git project files.<Ctrl-t>
- Open the file in tab, split, vsplit.<Leader>/
- Rg
:Files [PATH]
- Files (runs $FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND if defined):GFiles [OPTS]
- Git files (git ls-files):GFiles?
- Git files (git status):Buffers
- Open buffers:Rg [PATTERN]
- rg search result (ALT-A to select all, ALT-D to deselect all):Lines [QUERY]
- Lines in loaded buffers:BLines [QUERY]
- Lines in the current buffer:Tags [QUERY]
- Tags in the project (ctags -R):BTags [QUERY]
- Tags in the current buffer:Marks
- Marks:Windows
- Windows:Locate PATTERN
- locate command output:History
- v:oldfiles and open buffers:History:
- Command history:History/
- Search history:Snippets
- Snippets (UltiSnips):Commits
- Git commits (requires fugitive.vim):BCommits
- Git commits for the current buffer:Commands
- Commands:Maps
- Normal mode mappings:Helptags
- Help tags 1:Filetypes
- File types
- Open netrw directory brower.gh
- Toggle dot file hiding..
- Pre-populate the file at the end of a : or :! command line.y
- Yank an absolute path for the file under the cursor.~
- Go home.<Ctrl-^>
- switching back to the previous buffer from the netrw buffer.
- Open URI with browser
- search stardict for the word under cursor or the current visual selection.gK
- search goldendict for the word under cursor or the current visual selection.gZ
- search zeal for the word under cursor or the current visual selection.:SD
- stardict & goldendict, zeal command
- Go to declare directory.<Leader>b
- go-build or go-test<Leader>r
- go-run<Leader>R
- go-debug-start<Leader>t
- go-test<Leader>T
- go-debug-test<Leader>n
- go-test-func<Leader>i
- go-info<Leader>e
- go-diagnostics<Leader>ci
- go-imports<Leader>cn
- go-rename<Leader>ce
- go-iferr<Leader>cI
- GoImpl<Leader>gi
- go-implements<Leader>gr
- go-referrers<Leader>gs
- go-def-split<Leader>gv
- go-def-vertical<Leader>gt
- go-def-tab<Leader>gx
- go-doc-browser:A
- go-alternate-switch:GO <pkg>
- go package decls
, Continue execution until breakpoint or program termination.<F9>
, Toggle breakpoint for the [linenr].<F10>
, Advance execution by one line.<F11>
, Advance execution by one step, stopping at the next line of code that will be executed.<F6>
, Print the result of a Go expression.:GoDebugStop
- build<Leader>r
- run<Leader>t
- test<Leader>e
- check<Leader>ca
- code action<Leader>ci
- imports<Leader>cn
- rename<Leader>gi
- go to implementation<Leader>gr
- find references<Leader>gs
- go to definition in split<Leader>gv
- go to definition in vsplit<Leader>gt
- go to definition in tab<Leader>gx
- open doc in browser
- open linkge
- open file
- reserved for vim enhancement.<Leader>f
- files related.<Leader>g
- goto, jump, open in buffer, window, tab.<Leader>t
- tab, terminal, tools, test. toggle<Leader>r
- run.<Leader>b
- build.<Leader>i
- info.<Leader>c
- code, change.<Leader>d
- dig, data, find. display in quickfix window.<Leader>z
- zeal.<Leader>s
- substitute, surround<Leader>e
- error, examine, execute.
- Don't use a map when a command will do. Vim doesn't even have a map for :write.
- Don't prompt for things. Vim prompts in only a handful of scenarios (e.g. overwriting a changed file) and never asks multiple questions in a row.
- cd cg cm co cp cq cu cv cx cy cz
- dc dg dm dq dr du dv dx dy dz
- gb gl gs gy
- vc vd vm vo vp vq vr vs vu vv vx vy vz
- yc yd ym yo yp yq yr ys yu yv yx yz
- zp zq zy
- make, move, management.<Leader>l
- lint.<Leader>k
- kill.<Leader>j
- jump.<Leader>n
- navigation.<Leader>v
- reverse<Leader>h
- help<Leader>u
- usage