- focus left<Super>+j
- focus down<Super>+k
- focus up<Super>+l
- focus right<Super>+Left
- focus left<Super>+Down
- focus down<Super>+Up
- focus up<Super>+Right
- focus right
- move left<Super>+Shift+j
- move down<Super>+Shift+k
- move up<Super>+Shift+l
- move right<Super>+Shift+Left
- move left<Super>+Shift+Down
- move down<Super>+Shift+Up
- move up<Super>+Shift+Right
- move right<Super>+Shift+minus
- move scratchpad<Super>+minus
- scratchpad show
- split vertical<Super>+v
- split horizontal<Super>+f
- fullscreen toggle<Super>+Shift+f
- floating toggle<Super>+t
- layout toggle tabbed split<Super>+Shift+t
- sticky toggle<Super>+a
- focus parent<Super>+Shift+a
- focus mode_toggle
- switch workspace #<Super>+Ctrl+#
- move container to workspace #<Super>+Ctrl+Right
- workspace next<Super>+Ctrl+Left
- workspace prev<Super>+Shift+#
- move container to workspace #; workspace #<Super>+0
- lock screen
- kill current application<Super>+Tab
- window switcher<Super>+Ctrl+x
- kill selected window<Super>+Ctrl+m
- pavucontrol<Super>+Shift+d
- hide/show bar<Super>+Shift+c
- reload i3<Super>+Shift+r
- restart i3<Super>+Shift+e
- exit i3<Super>+Shift+b
- reboot<Super>+Shift+p
- power off
- exec terminal<Super>+d
- application launcher<Super>+F2
- exec google-chrome<Super>+F3
- exec ranger<Super>+F4
- exec anki<Super>+F5
- exec telegram-desktop<Super>+F6
- exec idea<Super>+F7
- exec audacity<Super>+F8
- exec virtualbox<Super>+F9
- exec rofi-bluetooth<Super>+F10
- exec rofi-readings<Super>+F11
- exec rofi-mpc<Super>+y
- exec mpv<Super>+r
- mode resize<Super>+n
- notify-send date/time<Super>+z
- mode app<Super>+Print
- screenshot<Super>+Shift+Print
- screenshot with selected region