This project is built using ASP.Net (Traditional .Net framework). Simply, download then open "Web Extractor.sln" and run using IIS or IIS express.
Write a data extractor that reads out content from and extracts the below listed information. The attached screen capture (screencapture-www-booking-com.png) explains the colors below:
- Hotel name (red)
- Address (red)
- Classification / stars (red)
- Review points (pink)
- Number of reviews (pink)
- Description (blue)
- Room categories (green)
- Alternative hotels (yellow)
Task 1 is implemented using html forms, Task 2 using jQuery Ajax.
Note: Frankly, I didn't implement validations, status codes, proper response objects, json serialization namings, exception handling, and blockUI functionality to save time...
Generate an excel report based on raw data (hotelrates.json) that has a similar structure to the screen capture (screencapture-excel-report.png). LOS = length of stay (number of room nights) The column BREAKFAST_INCLUDED is a Boolean variable (1: breakfast included, 0: breakfast excluded).
Task 2 is implemented using jQuery Ajax to call an API instad of traditional form posting.