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InferenceMode is a new context manager / RAII guard analogous to NoGradMode to be used when you are certain your operations will have no interactions with autograd (e.g., model training). Code run under this mode gets better performance by disabling view tracking and version counter bumps.


In production use of PyTorch for inference, we have seen a proliferation of uses of the C++ guard AutoNonVariableTypeMode, which disables autograd, view tracking and version counter bumps. Unfortunately, current colloquial use of this guard is unsafe: it is possible to use AutoNonVariableTypeMode to bypass PyTorch's safety checks for, e.g., ensuring tensors saved for backwards are not subsequently mutated.

InferenceMode offers a drop in replacement for AutoNonVariableTypeMode which:

  1. Preserves the performance characteristics of AutoNonVariableTypeMode (Autograd, view tracking and version counter bumps are skipped for all tensors allocated within the inference mode region), but

  2. Is safe, in the sense that it is not possible to bypass version counter updates on tensors which may alias with tensors which have been saved for backwards.

For now, this guard is to only be made available inside C++, although we could also introduce a Python guard torch.inference_mode as well.

Some goals and non-goals:

  • Goal: InferenceMode is semantically equivalent to NoGradMode, except some operations may not be supported. (In other words, this is a partial equivalence: if inference mode does not throw an error, then it behaves the same way as no grad mode). Caveat: this equivalence does not extend to methods that expose private implementation details; esp., Tensor._is_view and Tensor._base.

  • Goal: It should be possible to run code that allocates parameters (tensors with requires_grad=True) unchanged inside of an inference mode block.

  • Goal: Don't be a global or compile time flag. This makes InferenceMode widely applicable as it can still be used in processes where there may be training going on in another thread (e.g., federated learning on mobile).

  • Non-goal: InferenceMode doesn't affect computation beyond its scope. Indeed, the capacity for tensors allocated in InferenceMode (so called "inference tensors") to behave differently even outside of InferenceMode is one of the key implementation tools to ensuring that InferenceMode is safe.

  • Non-goal: Make operations on inference tensors fast outside of InferenceMode; nor, be maximally expressive with inference tensor outside of InferenceMode.

  • Non-goal: Avoid performance slowdown for view/inplace operations outside of InferenceMode. Benchmarking on popular models reveal that a slight slowdown on these operations is acceptable; in our case, this slowdown will be due to an extra redispatch in these cases.

User description

InferenceMode is an RAII guard which can be enabled for a given block of code. Inside inference mode, all newly allocated (non-view) tensors are marked as inference tensors; these tensors are guaranteed not to alias with tensors that may have been saved for backwards (or are otherwise making use of version counters--perhaps more accurately, you could call these "non version counter tracked tensors"). Inference tensors:

  • Do not have a version counter.
  • Raise an error if you try to read their version (e.g., because you saved this tensor for backwards.)
  • Raise an error if you try to mutate them into requiring gradients (e.g., directly set requires_grad=True or mutate them with a tensor that requires_grad=True.)

A non-view tensor is an inference tensor if and only if it was allocated during inference mode. A view tensor is an inference tensor if and only if the tensor it is a view of is an inference tensor.

Inside an InferenceMode block, we make the following performance guarantees:

  • All operations do not record grad_fn, even if their requires_grad=True (like NoGradMode). This applies for both inference tensors and normal tensors (also like NoGradMode).
  • View operations on inference tensors do not do view tracking; views and base inference tensors are indistinguishable.
  • Inplace operations on inference tensors are guaranteed not to do a version counter bump (which is equivalent to an atomic increment). Inplace operations on normal tensors still do version counter bumps.

Implementation description

Dispatcher. The dispatcher decides what implementation of a kernel to call when an operator is invoked. The set of possible options is controlled by several sources:

  • Tensor inputs (keys are unioned from all inputs)
  • TLS included set
  • TLS excluded set (which removes keys from the above two sources)

Autograd. This is a preexisting dispatch key which is responsible for recording grad_fn on output tensors when any of their inputs require_grad.

Autograd dispatch key is associated with tensors. Prior to this proposal, all tensors unconditionally have an autograd key. (Technically, the autograd dispatch key is not a single key, but a set of keys per backend; for the purposes of this proposal, this doesn't matter.)

InplaceOrView. This is a new dispatch key which is responsible for doing version counter bumps on inplace operations, and view metadata tracking for view ops. Previously, this functionality was also done as part of the Autograd kernel. For all other operators, it is a fallthrough kernel. Here is an example kernel for an inplace op and a view op prior to this proposal:

Tensor & add__Tensor(c10::DispatchKeySet ks, Tensor & self, const Tensor & other, Scalar alpha) {
    at::AutoDispatchBelowInplaceOrView guard;
    at::redispatch::add_(ks & c10::after_InplaceOrView_keyset, self, other, alpha);
  return self;

Tensor expand(c10::DispatchKeySet ks, const Tensor & self, IntArrayRef size, bool implicit) {
  auto _tmp = ([&]() {
    at::AutoDispatchBelowInplaceOrView guard;
    return at::redispatch::expand(ks & c10::after_InplaceOrView_keyset, self, size, implicit);
  std::function<at::Tensor(const at::Tensor&)> func=nullptr;
  if (false || !self.unsafeGetTensorImpl()->support_as_strided()) {
    auto size_vec = size.vec();
    func = [=](const at::Tensor& input_base) {
      return input_base.expand(size_vec, implicit);
  auto result = as_view(
   /* base */ self, /* output */ _tmp, /* is_bw_differentiable */ true,
   /* is_fw_differentiable */ true, /* view_func */ func,
   /* creation_meta */ at::GradMode::is_enabled() ? CreationMeta::DEFAULT : CreationMeta::NO_GRAD_MODE
  return result;

InplaceOrView is considered part of the default TLS included set; i.e., it is always run. It is also associated with normal tensors (like Autograd), so that these kernels get run even if InplaceOrView is not in the default TLS included set.

The algorithm. At a high level, we would like to skip both the Autograd and InplaceOrView kernels while in inference mode, whenever it is safe to do so. Whether or not this is safe is maintained by a pair of invariants:

The no-aliasing invariant: Inference tensors are guaranteed not to alias with any tensor which is saved for backwards (or otherwise depends on accurate version counter tracking)

The immutable invariant: Inference tensors are immutable outside of inference mode.

The no-aliasing invariant guarantees it is safe to skip version counter bumps when mutating inference tensors, as the set of tensors affected by mutation is precisely the set of aliases to that tensor. The immutable invariant guarantees it is safe to skip view metadata, as view metadata is only used to enable inplace updates on tensors that require gradients.

Inference mode is defined to be the state when:

  • Autograd is added to the TLS excluded set
  • InplaceOrView is removed from the TLS included set (recall that by default, InplaceOrView is part of the TLS included set)
  • If view metadata is recorded (e.g., because a tensor has InplaceOrView directly recorded on it), the creation metadata of the view is set to forbid subsequent inplace modification with requires_grad=True tensors (CreationMeta::NO_GRAD_MODE)

It is legal for only Autograd to be excluded (this happens during normal processing of Autograd kernels), but it is illegal for InplaceOrView to be removed from the TLS included set if Autograd is not also excluded.

An inference tensor is a tensor that does not have the Autograd or InplaceOrView dispatch keys and has no version counter. Whether or not the result of a functional/view operation is an inference tensor (e.g., that omit these keys) is the result of the following rules:

  • If a functional operation, the output tensor is an inference tensor if and only if we are running in inference mode. In practice, this is implemented by only adding the Autograd+InplaceOrView keys in the TensorImpl constructor if inference mode is off.
  • If a view operation, the output tensor is an inference tensor if and only if the input tensor is an inference tensor. In practice, this is implemented by propagating the dispatch key set from the base tensor to the view tensor.

These rules guarantee half of the no-aliasing invariant: functional operations are guaranteed to have non-aliasing outputs and are safe to mark as inference tensors; view operations introducing aliasing relationships, and it is only safe for inference tensors to alias other inference tensors.

Furthermore, the following operations on inference tensors are disabled:

  • Inplace modifications on inference tensors outside of inference mode (tested at the point we do version counter increments; this code is guaranteed to run outside of inference mode because InplaceOrView is part of default included TLS). This guarantees the immutability invariant. (TODO: Also need to prevent requires_grad from being explicitly toggled)
  • Saving an inference tensor for backwards (tested in the constructor of SavedVariable). This guarantees the other half of the no-aliasing invariant.

Examples. Given the rules above, we can describe the behavior for each combination of possibilities:

  • In inference mode...
    • Inplace operation...
      • On a normal tensor - version counter will increment (due to InplaceOrView key on the normal tensor)
      • On an inference tensor - no increment
    • View operation...
      • On a normal tensor - view metadata is recorded, creation meta is set to INFERENCE_MODE, version counter is propagated, result is a normal tensor
      • On an inference tensor - view metadata is not recorded, result is an inference tensor
    • Functional operation...
      • On a normal tensor - produces an inference tensor
      • On an inference tensor - produces an inference tensor
  • Outside of inference mode...
    • Inplace operation...
      • On an inference tensor - forbidden
    • View operation...
      • On an inference tensor - allowed, view metadata is not recorded, result is an inference tensor

Edge case: explicit requires_grad setting. One might expect that in no grad mode that it is impossible to allocate a tensor with requires_grad=True. However, this is not true: any tensor that is explicitly allocated with requires_grad=True preserves this property outside of no grad mode:

>>> with torch.no_grad():
...   x = torch.empty(2, requires_grad=True)
>>> x
tensor([-1.3667e-17,  4.5801e-41], requires_grad=True)

This can also be achieved by explicitly setting x.requires_grad = True. Furthermore, in no grad mode, this requires grad setting propagates to views

>>> with torch.no_grad():
...   x = torch.empty(2)
...   y = x.view(2)
...   x.requires_grad = True
>>> y.requires_grad

This poses a problem for inference mode, which doesn't track view metadata and cannot implement this propagation. Our proposed solution is to forbid setting requires_grad (but permit tensors to be directly constructed with requires_grad=True). This cannot be easily implemented today as internally requires_grad=True factory is implemented by first constructing a tensor, and then setting its requires_grad=True.

Future work: skipping Autograd kernels when requires_grad=False

As view and inplace handling has been moved out of Autograd kernels, a tantalizing possibility is to remove the Autograd dispatch keys from tensors with requires_grad=False, thus skipping this kernel entirely.

But this work is currently blocked for the following reason:

  • If requires_grad=False skips Autograd kernel, functional ops won't be able to go through AutoDispatchBelowInplaceOrView guard which suppresses both autograd and InplaceOrView keys in TLS excluded. Not suppressing InplaceOrView key means unnecessary calls to as_view/increment_version if any view/inplace ops are used in the kernel implementation which adds a lot of overhead. To avoid overhead, instead of fallthrough kerenl being backend fallback, we'll want to use a real kernel that suppresses InplaceOrView key. But compared to the current implementation which only adds an extra dispatch for view/inplace ops, it forces all functional ops to have an extra dispatch as well. That's why it's blocked.
  • To unblock it requires some fixes like identifying at:: callsites in backend-specific kernels (static analysis? ) , replacing these with at::native:: should unblock us from linking requires_grad with VariableType kernel. Alternately, do pytorch/pytorch#54614