Automatically join online classes.
Many of us need to attend classes online, and finding the right url for each class and clicking on it at the appropriate time is such a pain (I am too lazy to do all that).
So here is a solution I found out to make my life a little easier. I started using calcurse to maintain my class time table. It is a beautiful tui application which manages events and todos. It has this amazing feature to run a command just before an event start. The default command would send a notification regarding the upcoming event. But this command can be changed to anything. Changing this command to open the class url would automatically open the class for you.
- calcurse
- Added each class as a recurring event in calcurse with the title having the class name and the class url as follows
Topology <Tab Space>
- Now when I run calcurse --next from the command line I get output as follows
$ calcurse --next
next appointment:
[08:26] Topology
This means the next class is topology and it is in 8hr 23min and the joining link is that.
- Here is a small script that would notify about the next event and also open the url if it exists.
event="$(calcurse --next | sed "1d")"
name="$(echo "$event" | sed -E 's/.*\] ([^\t]*).*/\1/')"
url="$(echo "$event" | grep -o "http\S*" )"
if [ -z "$url" ]
notify-send "$name"
notify-send "$name" "opening link..."
eval $browser $url 1>/dev/null 2>&1 &
Save this as an executable somewhere
Now all that is left to do is to configure calcurse to run this script 15 seconds before the event starts.
- Add the following lines to calcurse config file (~/.cache/calcurse/conf).
notification.command= /home/user/path/to/this/script
And there we have it. Now whenever calcurse is open (or launched as daemon), all your classes will be automatically opened in the browser.
- If you are really adventurous there are browser plugins that automatically mute, switch off camera and auto join you into google meet.
- I also add the following as a module in my status bar script to show when I have my next class.
event="$(calcurse -n | sed 1d | sed -E "s_^ *\[(.*):(.*)\] ([^\t]*)\t?.*_[\1h \2m->\3]_")"
This would give an output as 07h 27m -> Topology.