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Teensy middleware

This is a convenience repository to alleviate setup overhead for similar projects using microcontrollers (uc) with ROS interfaces or similar serial based middleware software.

In this framework possibly private middleware message repositories are cloned through individially configured deploy keys to clone and build corresponding header files to be used in the uc firmware.

Repository structure

Note: Recommended toolchain platformio, scons, python3 and chibiOS.

Usage (ROS1 example)

You can flash your firmware from any location simply by executing

flashme YourTarget

Note: With a test target for example with flashme test_ros.

Alternatively, it is possible to flash from within the firmware folder using the platformio default

pio run -e YourTarget

Note: This defaults to pio run -e YourTarget -t upload

You can find templates for how to setup your workspace with example environments and configurations under firmware/platformio.ini.

If you have a ROS1 distribution installed you can test the middleware generation for standard messages with platformio run -e test_ros1.


Ensure that you have sourced your ROS1 distribution, then follow the subsequent instructions and re-login before moving on to the usage section. Execute


Note: This configures a environment variable tmw_DIR to the current working directory and allows using the hooks and shell scripts for generating middleware header files.


The ROS header file cannot be found.

Ensure that you ran (required to use automated hooks) and that you restarted your login session. (reboot or re-login) You can test if echo ${tmw_DIR} outputs the directory of your teensy_firmware clone.

Also ensure that you have a catkin compatible Python version. (Note that Python 3.7 has a trollius and async issue. Easiest is to switch your virtualenvironment to Python2 and install the dependencies with pip install -r requirements.txt. Also ensure that after the virtual environment switch you should execute source /opt/ros/${ROS_DISTRO}/setup.{sh,zsh}).

The build fails and throws some error.

Inspect the logs generated by the hooks under ./firmware/log/middleware.log

The output could look similar to the following snippet.

(vp2) firmware cat log/middleware.log
Input arguments received:
	 template git clone
Set project name: template
Parse repository:
	 git clone
Received additional libraries.
ROS1 interface chosen. Configuring dependencies ... (tzz its 2020...)
BUILD rosserial arduino from upstream:
remote: Enumerating objects: 467, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (467/467), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (351/351), done.
remote: Total 467 (delta 115), reused 297 (delta 60), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (467/467), 299.88 KiB | 3.57 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (115/115), done.


Any contribution is welcome. If you find missing instructions or something did not work as expected please create an issue and let me know.


See the LICENSE file for details of the available open source licensing.