Scala wrapper around Exp4j library. This is still under-development and more features to come. Read more about exp4j.
Exp4s is hosted only my personal github maintained repo server. Please find the below co-ordinates to usage.
current version 0.0.4
//moma -> my own maven archive :)
resolvers ++= Seq("moma" at "")
libraryDependencies ++= Seq("me.prassee" %% "exp4s" % "<current_version>")
import Exp4sProcessor._
Step 2
// a more idomatic way of doing
// pass the formula , the variables followed by the values
val x = forFormula("(sqrt(a^2) + sqrt(b^2))")("a", "b")(1, 2)
// shortcut and simplified one - formula followed by "with" keyword and variables and values as next set of params
val compiledForm: Double = compileFormula("(sqrt(a^2) + sqrt(b^2)) with a,b", 1, 2)
- support for custom functions
- support for async formula execution
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0: