Temperature (°C) and Humidity (%) microcontroller ESP32 on Python (Wokwi Simulation + Hivemq Broker Client)
Run the simulation on Wokwi and see the messages on Hivemq Broker (publish each 15 seconds)
Project on Wokwi (Micropython on ESP32): https://wokwi.com/projects/328777740948865619
Broker -> option 1: Hivemq Broker Client: http://www.hivemq.com/demos/websocket-client/
Broker -> option 2: Install the app MQTT DASH on Google Play Store
Language: Portuguese
- Host -> mqtt-dashboard.com
- Port -> 8884
- KeepAlive -> 60
- Click on 'Connect'
- Topic: sala306/temp - or - sala306/umidade - or - sala306/#
- QoS: 0
- Click on 'Subscribe'
Run the simulation on Wokwi and see the ESP32 temperature (°C) and humidity (%)'s publish on 'Messages'
- Click on button '+' (upper right corner of the screen)
- Name the broker
- Address: broker.hivemq.com
- Port: 1883
- Click on diskette button (upper right corner of the screen) to save
- Click on Broker
- Click on button '+' (upper right corner of the screen)
- Choose type: 'Text'
- Name: Temperature
- Topic: sala306/temp
- Postfix: °C
- Click on diskette button (upper right corner of the screen) to save
- Click on Broker
- Click on button '+' (upper right corner of the screen)
- Choose type: 'Text'
- Name: Humidity
- Topic: sala306/umidade
- Postfix: %
- Click on diskette button (upper right corner of the screen) to save
Run the simulation on Wokwi and see the ESP32 temperature (°C) and humidity (%)'s publish on the cards created