You can use a Lambda function to monitor and analyze logs from an Amazon CloudWatch Logs log stream. Create subscriptions for one or more log streams to invoke a function when logs are created or match an optional pattern. Use the function to send a notification or persist the log to a database or storage.
CloudWatch Logs invokes your function asynchronously with an event that contains log data. The value of the data field is a Base64-encoded .gzip file archive.
Example CloudWatch Logs message event
"awslogs": {
"data": "ewogICAgIm1lc3NhZ2VUeXBlIjogIkRBVEFfTUVTU0FHRSIsCiAgICAib3duZXIiOiAiMTIzNDU2Nzg5MDEyIiwKICAgICJsb2dHcm91cCI6I..."
When decoded and decompressed, the log data is a JSON document with the following structure:
Example CloudWatch Logs message data (decoded)
"messageType": "DATA_MESSAGE",
"owner": "123456789012",
"logGroup": "/aws/lambda/echo-nodejs",
"logStream": "2019/03/13/[$LATEST]94fa867e5374431291a7fc14e2f56ae7",
"subscriptionFilters": [
"logEvents": [
"id": "34622316099697884706540976068822859012661220141643892546",
"timestamp": 1552518348220,
"message": "REPORT RequestId: 6234bffe-149a-b642-81ff-2e8e376d8aff\tDuration: 46.84 ms\tBilled Duration: 47 ms \tMemory Size: 192 MB\tMax Memory Used: 72 MB\t\n"
For a sample application that uses CloudWatch Logs as a trigger, see Error processor sample application for AWS Lambda.