We need a generic interface between user UI and a scheduling daemon. This should later run under an generic namespace of freedesktop.org This is work in progress. If you can think of anything that may be usefull and generic enough, please add. Suggested systembus name: optimizer.freedesktop.org # API /optimizer - listModes in: out: as desc: list of all user activatable modes - getMode in: out: s desc: returns the current mode set /user1/ Methodes - enableTracking in: b out: desc: tells the optimizer that a user driven program is controlling the active list - setActivePid in: i out: desc: adds the given pid to the users active list - getActives in: out: a[i,i] desc: returns a list of tuples. First entry is a pid, second the timestamp when last added - setActiveList in: a[i,i] out: desc: sets the active list Properties: - activeLength type: i desc: maximum number of entries in the actives list