Although RSForms Pro comes with a HTML5 Responsive layout it lacks the Bootstrap Layout. RSForm Pro Bootstrapped provides the Bootstrap Layout for Bootstrap 2.
1 add the peace of javascript from script.js to the head of your template, just before </head>.
What this does is it changes the class of the form.
When screen width < 766 it removes class form-horizontal.
When screen width >= 766 it adds class form-horizontal.
2 add css from local.css to your website css. Don't add to bootsctrap.css!
3 Make sure you backup /administrator/components/com_rsform first ...
4 unzip rsformhack in the root of your site This adds and overwrites some file under /administrator/components/com_rsform
For the tooltip I've implemented Bootstrapx Clickover. It provides enhancements to Twitter Bootstrap Popovers to allow popovers to be opened/closed with click events and some other niceities. You can download and install the necessary files from
Hope you get it all working!
Regards, René Kreijved