- misfin dependency version
- Qt slots for clipboard functions
- Shortcut to open links from the clipboard
- Shortcut to copy the content of text items to the clipboard
- focusFirstVisibleItem(): focus text and links groups only
- Backtab (Shift+Tab) navigation between items
- Links grids: settings for the layout's opacity (when the grid is collapsed)
- New theme: splendid
- Automatic focus of the first visible element in the page when a (vertical) flick is finished
- Config settings for the page margins
- Link grids: make it possible to limit the grid's height when no link in the grid is focused
- Add a shortcut to skip a grid and focus the next element in the layout
- Change the default shortcut to go back in the history
- Disable TTS, animations and MultiEffect on preformatted text items
- Text-to-speech: support read-through mode (automatic sequential TTS of the entire page)
- Make it possible to use a custom levior config file
- Use levior in proxy mode
- Support for laying out links in grid layouts
- Config settings and shortcuts for configuring the links grids
- Separators for gemini "blanks"
- Settings: translation languages configuration
- Support for text translations
- gemqti: transform into a python package with a module per interface
- Add a "Test TTS" button in the settings to test the text-to-speech feature
- Add a config setting to enable/disable automatic updates
- nanotts: Use -f with an input file instead of passing the text with -i
- Add support for nanotts
- Add support for the Pico text-to-speech engine
- Add a combo box to select the TTS engine
- Show a privacy warning when the user selects gtts
- Make sure TTS actions are disabled when a gemspace is hidden
- Support for the misfin protocol
- Add popup dialogs to create misfin identities and send messages
- gtts caching system: generated mp3 TTS files are cached for a certain time
- Add config settings for the gtts TLD and the lifetime for cached TTS files
- When going out of focus, pause the TTS audio instead of stopping it
- Make sure to stop and destroy the TTS player when a TextItem is destroyed
This release adds support for text-to-speech in gemalaya
- Support for text-to-speech (TTS) on text items, using gtts
- TTS audio player with keyboard shortcuts to seek and play/pause the audio
- Basic config settings for TTS: autoplay and "slow reading"
- API for text language detection
- Support file uploads with the titan protocol
- Convert rst (restructured text) documents to gemtext
- Add a UI option to show link URLs when links are focused
- Reset the action mode and text search buffer when a page is loaded
- Convert markdown documents to gemtext
- Lower default cache TTL
- Add a download object button for certain mime types when a link is focused
- GeminiAgent: remove temporary files on destruction
- Page loading animation
- Media playback control actions for the video player
- Set better size boundaries for image preview items
- When we're switching from one gemspace to another, focus the first visible item in the flickable, so that navigating betweens items with "Tab" will work without any user intervention
- Transparently render Atom & RSS feeds as gemini tinylogs
- Keywords to URL expansion rules
- Actions to save and load the pages in the stack layouts
- Add a combo box to set the theme in the settings
- Links: left alignment for the link text
- New theme variables
- Use QML's MultiEffect on text items (controls brightness and contrast)
- gemalaya AppImage: automatic wheel updates
- Add support for snippets (for input responses)
- Text search mode
- Basic configuration dialog (F12 key)
- Themable scrollbar
- Animate the keyboard sequence item on success
- The page flicking speed can now be amplified by holding "Control" or "Shift" (Control+Shift+PageDown for example is the fastest down flick)
- If the page is really large, render it in multiple sections (reaching the end of the page will render the next section)
- Set a custom persistent path for ignition's "known hosts" file
- Animate the scrollbar's background color depending on how fast we scroll (right now only the color's red component is changed)
Minor changes in gemalaya
Major changes in gemalaya
- Use a Flickable instead of a ScrollView
- When a link is focused, the following keys will open the link: Kp_Enter (Enter key), the Return key and the space key
- Add config settings for the Flickable item
- Add keyboard shortcuts to cycle between the elements in the page
Minor changes in gemalaya
- Support for multimedia content
- Spawn a levior process from gemalaya to be able to load web content with the http to gemini proxy
- Add shortcuts to increase/decrease the font sizes
- Support for creating gempubs from yaml project files
- gemv: Follow and open gempub archive links