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  1. About
  2. Model
  3. Tutorial
  4. Cases
  5. Nomenclature
  6. Classes
  7. References


This document provides the nomenclature of important variables that are used inside AeroSolved. The nomenclature of the top-level solver is given first, followed by those of the aerosolModel and the aerosolThermo classes.

General AeroSolved definitions

  • continuous: reference to the continuous phase (i.e., the gas/vapor phase in an aerosol)
  • dispersed: reference to the dispersed phase (i.e., the particle phase in an aerosol)
  • U: mixture velocity $\mathbf{u}_m$ [m/s]
  • V: relative velocity of the dispersed phase to the continuous phase [m/s]
  • Y: list of continuous mass fraction fields for each species [-]
  • Z: list of dispersed mass fraction fields for each species [-]
  • M: mass-based number concentration of dispersed phase $M = N /\rho_m$ [#/kg]

Top-level aerosolEulerFoam solver

  • aerosol: reference to the aerosolModel object3
  • dpdt: material time derivative of the pressure field [kg/m/s3]
  • fvOptions: reference to the fv:options object
  • inertIndex: index of the inert species in species lists
  • K: kinetic energy field [m2/s2]
  • MRF: IOMRFZoneList object
  • p: pressure [kg/m/s2]
  • phi: mixture phase flux field [kg/s]
  • phiEffY: list of effective continuous phase flux fields, for each species [kg/s]
  • phiEffZ: list of effective dispersed phase flux fields, for each species [kg/s]
  • psi: compressibility field [s2/m2]
  • rho: mixture density $\rho_m$ [kg/m3]
  • T: mixture temperature field [K]
  • thermo: reference to the aerosolThermo object
  • thermoCont: reference to the rhoAerosolPhaseThermo object belonging to the continuous phase
  • thermoDisp: reference to the rhoAerosolPhaseThermo object belonging to the dispersed phase
  • turbulence: pointer to the compressible::turbulenceModel object

These variables have a local scope in YEqn.H, which is part of the top-level aerosolEulerFoam solver:

  • mut: turbulent viscosity [kg/m/s]
  • mvPhi: reference to the multi-variate convection scheme relating to flux phi
  • mvPhiBrownian: reference to the multi-variate convection scheme relating to flux phiBrownian
  • mvPhiDrift: reference to the multi-variate convection scheme relating to flux phiDrift
  • mvPhiInertial: reference to the multi-variate convection scheme relating to flux phiInertial
  • phiBrownian: reference to the Brownian (additional) drift flux field [kg/s]
  • phiDrift: reference the corrective drift flux field, corresponding to $\mathbf{V}_d$ [kg/s]
  • phiInertial: reference to the inertial drift flux field [kg/s]
  • Yt: sum of all the mass fractions

aerosolModel library

The following key variables are protected inside the aerosolModel class:

  • coalescence_: pointer to the coalescenceModel object
  • condensation_: pointer to the condensationModel object
  • DCont_: continuous mass fraction diffusivity fields, for each species [m2/s]
  • DDisp_: dispersed mass fraction diffusivity field [m2/s]
  • dMax_: maximum allowable diameter
  • dMin_: minimum allowable diameter
  • drift_: pointer to the driftFluxModel object
  • mesh_: const reference to the fvMesh object
  • mvPhi_: multi-variate convection scheme relating to the mixture flux
  • mvPhiBrownian_: multi-variate convection scheme relating to the Brownian (additional) drift flux
  • mvPhiDrift_: multi-variate convection scheme relating to the corrective flux
  • mvPhiInertial_: multi-variate convection scheme relating to the inertial drift flux
  • nucleation_: pointer to the nucleationModel object
  • phiBrownian_: Brownian (additional) drift flux field [kg/s]
  • phiDrift_: corrective drift flux field, corresponding to $\mathbf{V}_d$ [kg/s]
  • phiEff_: list of effective particle number flux fields [#/s]
  • phiInertial_: inertial drift flux field [kg/s]
  • tauDrift_: mixture drift stress tensor [kg/m/s2]
  • thermo_: aerosolThermo object
  • turbulencePtr_: pointer to the compressibleTurbulenceModel object (set externally by the top-level solver)

aerosolThermo library

  • activeSpecies_: table with all active species names
  • activeSpeciesMap_: index map of all active species inside species_
  • contSpeciesMap_: index map of all continuous species inside species_
  • dispSpeciesMap_: index map of all dispersed species inside species_
  • diffusivity_: pointer to the mixtureDiffusivityModel object
  • inactiveSpecies_: table with all inactive species names
  • inactiveSpeciesMap_: index map of all inactive species inside species_
  • inertSpecie_: index of the inert species inside species_
  • mesh_: const reference to the fvMesh object
  • phaseMix_: pointer to the phaseMixing object
  • species_: table with all species names
  • thermoCont_: the rhoAerosolPhaseThermo object belonging to the continuous phase
  • thermoDisp_: the rhoAerosolPhaseThermo object belonging to the dispersed phase