Dotfile configuration for archlinux
To setup the configuration files, it is recommended to install:
When setting up, first clone this repository in the main $HOME
$ cd ~/
$ git clone
$ cd dotfiles
Install the packages with:
$ paru -S - < arch-pkgs/pkgs.txt
or using the Makefile
$ make install
Then use the GNU stow
to create symlinks:
$ stow .
Some files might conflict, stow
will throw an error and list the files that already exists on the OS.
It's possible to override the existent files, adding the --adopt
argument on stow:
$ stow --adopt .
To save the current system dependencies in the pkgs.txt
file run:
$ paru -Qqen > arch-pkgs/pkgs.txt
or using the Makefile
$ make tofile