Angular starter project with routing and SCSS that uses the following packages: angular-fontawesome and ng-bootstrap.
Check out this blog post for more details.
Use one of the methods given below to get the project source code on your local machine.
git clone
git clone
GitHub CLI:
gh repo clone peterrhodesdev/angular-starter
gh repo fork peterrhodesdev/angular-starter --clone=true
mkdir angular-starter
cd angular-starter
git init
git remote add angular-starter
git pull angular-starter main
In the project root directory run
npm install
Start up a development server by running the following command in the project root directory
ng serve
Once the project has compiled successfully, open a web browser and navigate to http://localhost:4200/
These two steps can be combined by running
ng serve -o
, which will open the app automatically in your default browser.
To stop the app, go back to the terminal window and press ctrl + C