From de0d1e95b8f75349a1d6b085bde4f644e9d75e35 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Dmitrii Shatokhin Date: Sat, 2 Nov 2024 00:17:38 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] feat: enhance components init - Optimized component initialization to improve performance by running it only once. - Restructured components for greater flexibility. - Added a two-way dictionary to support both full and shorthand syntax options. --- src/core/ | 604 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ src/core/ | 484 +----------------------------- src/core/ | 1 + src/core/ | 9 +- 4 files changed, 610 insertions(+), 488 deletions(-) create mode 100644 src/core/ diff --git a/src/core/ b/src/core/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9a22ab9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/core/ @@ -0,0 +1,604 @@ +//! This module provides mappings between CSS properties and their abbreviations (short syntax). +//! +//! It allows for retrieving the full CSS property name given either the full name or its abbreviation, +//! as well as retrieving the abbreviation given the full name. +//! +//! The module also provides a list of all components (full names and abbreviations). + +use once_cell::sync::Lazy; +use std::collections::HashMap; + +/// A list of tuples containing CSS property full names and their abbreviations. +static PROPERTIES: &[(&str, &str)] = &[ + ("accent-color", "acc"), + ("align-content", "ac"), + ("align-items", "ai"), + ("align-self", "as"), + ("align-tracks", "atr"), + ("all", "all"), + ("anchor-name", "anc-n"), + ("anchor-scope", "anc-s"), + ("animation", "anim"), + ("animation-composition", "anim-comp"), + ("animation-delay", "anim-d"), + ("animation-direction", "anim-dir"), + ("animation-duration", "anim-du"), + ("animation-fill-mode", "anim-fm"), + ("animation-iteration-count", "anim-ic"), + ("animation-name", "anim-n"), + ("animation-play-state", "anim-ps"), + ("animation-range", "anim-r"), + ("animation-range-end", "anim-re"), + ("animation-range-start", "anim-rs"), + ("animation-timeline", "at"), + ("animation-timing-function", "atf"), + ("animationType", "atype"), + ("appearance", "app"), + ("appliesto", "applies"), + ("aspect-ratio", "ar"), + ("azimuth", "az"), + ("backdrop-filter", "bf"), + ("backface-visibility", "bvis"), + ("background", "bg"), + ("background-attachment", "bga"), + ("background-blend-mode", "bgblm"), + ("background-clip", "bg-cl"), + ("background-color", "bgc"), + ("background-image", "bgi"), + ("background-origin", "bgo"), + ("background-position", "bgp"), + ("background-position-x", "bgpx"), + ("background-position-y", "bgpy"), + ("background-repeat", "bgr"), + ("background-size", "bgsz"), + ("block-size", "bsz"), + ("border", "b"), + ("border-block", "bb"), + ("border-block-color", "bbc"), + ("border-block-end", "bbe"), + ("border-block-end-color", "bbec"), + ("border-block-end-style", "bbes"), + ("border-block-end-width", "bbew"), + ("border-block-start", "bbs"), + ("border-block-start-color", "bbsc"), + ("border-block-start-style", "bbss"), + ("border-block-start-width", "bbsw"), + ("border-block-style", "bbs"), + ("border-block-width", "bbw"), + ("border-bottom", "bb"), + ("border-bottom-color", "bbc"), + ("border-bottom-left-radius", "bblr"), + ("border-bottom-right-radius", "bbrr"), + ("border-bottom-style", "bbs"), + ("border-bottom-width", "bbw"), + ("border-collapse", "bcoll"), + ("border-color", "bc"), + ("border-end-end-radius", "beer"), + ("border-end-start-radius", "besr"), + ("border-image", "bi"), + ("border-image-outset", "bio"), + ("border-image-repeat", "bir"), + ("border-image-slice", "bis"), + ("border-image-source", "bisrc"), + ("border-image-width", "biw"), + ("border-inline", "bli"), + ("border-inline-color", "blic"), + ("border-inline-end", "blie"), + ("border-inline-end-color", "bliec"), + ("border-inline-end-style", "blies"), + ("border-inline-end-width", "bliew"), + ("border-inline-start", "blis"), + ("border-inline-start-color", "blisc"), + ("border-inline-start-style", "bliss"), + ("border-inline-start-width", "blisw"), + ("border-inline-style", "blis"), + ("border-inline-width", "bliw"), + ("border-left", "bl"), + ("border-left-color", "blc"), + ("border-left-style", "bls"), + ("border-left-width", "blw"), + ("border-radius", "br"), + ("border-right", "brt"), + ("border-right-color", "brc"), + ("border-right-style", "brs"), + ("border-right-width", "brw"), + ("border-spacing", "bsp"), + ("border-start-end-radius", "bser"), + ("border-start-start-radius", "bssr"), + ("border-style", "bst"), + ("border-top", "bt"), + ("border-top-color", "btc"), + ("border-top-left-radius", "btlr"), + ("border-top-right-radius", "btrr"), + ("border-top-style", "bts"), + ("border-top-width", "btw"), + ("border-width", "bw"), + ("bottom", "btm"), + ("box-align", "bxa"), + ("box-decoration-break", "bxdb"), + ("box-direction", "bxd"), + ("box-flex", "bxf"), + ("box-flex-group", "bxfg"), + ("box-lines", "bxl"), + ("box-ordinal-group", "bxog"), + ("box-orient", "bxo"), + ("box-pack", "bxp"), + ("box-shadow", "bxsh"), + ("box-sizing", "bxs"), + ("break-after", "ba"), + ("break-before", "bb"), + ("break-inside", "bi"), + ("caption-side", "cs"), + ("caret", "crt"), + ("caret-color", "cc"), + ("caret-shape", "cs"), + ("clear", "clr"), + ("clip", "clp"), + ("clip-path", "clpp"), + ("color", "c"), + ("color-scheme", "csch"), + ("column-count", "ccnt"), + ("column-fill", "cf"), + ("column-gap", "cg"), + ("column-rule", "cr"), + ("column-rule-color", "crc"), + ("column-rule-style", "crs"), + ("column-rule-width", "crw"), + ("column-span", "csn"), + ("column-width", "cw"), + ("columns", "cols"), + ("computed", "cmp"), + ("contain", "cntn"), + ("contain-intrinsic-block-size", "cibs"), + ("contain-intrinsic-height", "cih"), + ("contain-intrinsic-inline-size", "ciis"), + ("contain-intrinsic-size", "cis"), + ("contain-intrinsic-width", "ciw"), + ("container", "ctr"), + ("container-name", "ctrn"), + ("container-type", "ctrt"), + ("content", "cnt"), + ("content-visibility", "cntv"), + ("counter-increment", "cinc"), + ("counter-reset", "crst"), + ("counter-set", "cset"), + ("cursor", "cur"), + ("direction", "dir"), + ("display", "d"), + ("empty-cells", "ec"), + ("field-sizing", "fsz"), + ("filter", "flt"), + ("flex", "flx"), + ("flex-basis", "flxb"), + ("flex-direction", "flex-dir"), + ("flex-flow", "flex-fl"), + ("flex-grow", "flex-gr"), + ("flex-shrink", "flex-sh"), + ("flex-wrap", "flex-wr"), + ("float", "flt"), + ("font", "fnt"), + ("font-family", "ff"), + ("font-feature-settings", "ffs"), + ("font-kerning", "fk"), + ("font-language-override", "flo"), + ("font-optical-sizing", "fos"), + ("font-palette", "fp"), + ("font-size", "fs"), + ("font-size-adjust", "fsa"), + ("font-smooth", "fsm"), + ("font-stretch", "fstr"), + ("font-style", "fsty"), + ("font-synthesis", "fsyn"), + ("font-synthesis-position", "fsynp"), + ("font-synthesis-small-caps", "fssc"), + ("font-synthesis-style", "fss"), + ("font-synthesis-weight", "fsw"), + ("font-variant", "fv"), + ("font-variant-alternates", "fva"), + ("font-variant-caps", "fvc"), + ("font-variant-east-asian", "fvea"), + ("font-variant-emoji", "fve"), + ("font-variant-ligatures", "fvl"), + ("font-variant-numeric", "fvn"), + ("font-variant-position", "fvp"), + ("font-variation-settings", "fvs"), + ("font-weight", "fw"), + ("forced-color-adjust", "fca"), + ("gap", "g"), + ("grid", "gr"), + ("grid-area", "gra"), + ("grid-auto-columns", "grac"), + ("grid-auto-flow", "graf"), + ("grid-auto-rows", "grar"), + ("grid-column", "gc"), + ("grid-column-end", "gce"), + ("grid-column-gap", "gcg"), + ("grid-column-start", "gcs"), + ("grid-gap", "gg"), + ("grid-row", "gr"), + ("grid-row-end", "gre"), + ("grid-row-gap", "grg"), + ("grid-row-start", "grs"), + ("grid-template", "gt"), + ("grid-template-areas", "gta"), + ("grid-template-columns", "gtc"), + ("grid-template-rows", "gtr"), + ("groups", "grps"), + ("hanging-punctuation", "hp"), + ("height", "h"), + ("hyphenate-character", "hc"), + ("hyphenate-limit-chars", "hlc"), + ("hyphens", "hy"), + ("image-orientation", "io"), + ("image-rendering", "imgr"), + ("image-resolution", "imgres"), + ("ime-mode", "im"), + ("inherited", "inh"), + ("initial", "init"), + ("initial-letter", "initl"), + ("initial-letter-align", "initla"), + ("inline-size", "insz"), + ("input-security", "inps"), + ("inset", "in"), + ("inset-area", "ina"), + ("inset-block", "inb"), + ("inset-block-end", "inbe"), + ("inset-block-start", "inbs"), + ("inset-inline", "ini"), + ("inset-inline-end", "inie"), + ("inset-inline-start", "inis"), + ("isolation", "iso"), + ("justify-content", "jc"), + ("justify-items", "ji"), + ("justify-self", "js"), + ("justify-tracks", "jt"), + ("left", "l"), + ("letter-spacing", "ls"), + ("line-break", "lb"), + ("line-clamp", "lc"), + ("line-height", "lh"), + ("line-height-step", "lhs"), + ("list-style", "ls"), + ("list-style-image", "lsi"), + ("list-style-position", "lsp"), + ("list-style-type", "lst"), + ("margin", "m"), + ("margin-block", "mb"), + ("margin-block-end", "mbe"), + ("margin-block-start", "mbs"), + ("margin-bottom", "mb"), + ("margin-inline", "mi"), + ("margin-inline-end", "mie"), + ("margin-inline-start", "mis"), + ("margin-left", "ml"), + ("margin-right", "mr"), + ("margin-top", "mt"), + ("margin-trim", "mtrim"), + ("mask", "mask"), + ("mask-border", "mask-b"), + ("mask-border-mode", "mask-bm"), + ("mask-border-outset", "mask-bo"), + ("mask-border-repeat", "mask-br"), + ("mask-border-slice", "mask-bs"), + ("mask-border-source", "mask-bsou"), + ("mask-border-width", "mask-bw"), + ("mask-clip", "mask-c"), + ("mask-composite", "mask-comp"), + ("mask-image", "mask-i"), + ("mask-mode", "mask-m"), + ("mask-origin", "mask-o"), + ("mask-position", "mask-pos"), + ("mask-repeat", "mask-r"), + ("mask-size", "mask-sz"), + ("mask-type", "mask-t"), + ("masonry-auto-flow", "mas-af"), + ("math-depth", "math-d"), + ("math-shift", "math-s"), + ("math-style", "math-st"), + ("max-block-size", "max-bs"), + ("max-height", "max-h"), + ("max-inline-size", "max-is"), + ("max-lines", "max-l"), + ("max-width", "max-w"), + ("mdn_url", "mdn-u"), + ("media", "med"), + ("min-block-size", "min-bs"), + ("min-height", "min-h"), + ("min-inline-size", "min-is"), + ("min-width", "min-w"), + ("mix-blend-mode", "mbm"), + ("object-fit", "obj-fit"), + ("object-position", "obj-pos"), + ("offset", "off"), + ("offset-anchor", "ofa"), + ("offset-distance", "ofd"), + ("offset-path", "ofp"), + ("offset-position", "ofpos"), + ("offset-rotate", "ofr"), + ("opacity", "op"), + ("order", "ord"), + ("orphans", "orphan"), + ("outline", "out"), + ("outline-color", "outc"), + ("outline-offset", "outo"), + ("outline-style", "outs"), + ("outline-width", "outw"), + ("overflow", "ov"), + ("overflow-anchor", "ova"), + ("overflow-block", "ovb"), + ("overflow-clip-box", "ovcb"), + ("overflow-clip-margin", "ovcm"), + ("overflow-inline", "ovi"), + ("overflow-wrap", "ovw"), + ("overflow-x", "ovx"), + ("overflow-y", "ovy"), + ("overlay", "overlay"), + ("overscroll-behavior", "ovsb"), + ("overscroll-behavior-block", "ovsb-b"), + ("overscroll-behavior-inline", "ovsb-i"), + ("overscroll-behavior-x", "ovsbx"), + ("overscroll-behavior-y", "ovsby"), + ("padding", "p"), + ("padding-block", "pb"), + ("padding-block-end", "pbe"), + ("padding-block-start", "pbs"), + ("padding-bottom", "pb"), + ("padding-inline", "pi"), + ("padding-inline-end", "pie"), + ("padding-inline-start", "pis"), + ("padding-left", "pl"), + ("padding-right", "pr"), + ("padding-top", "pt"), + ("page", "page"), + ("page-break-after", "pba"), + ("page-break-before", "pbb"), + ("page-break-inside", "pbi"), + ("paint-order", "po"), + ("percentages", "pct"), + ("perspective", "pers"), + ("perspective-origin", "pers-or"), + ("place-content", "pc"), + ("place-items", "pi"), + ("place-self", "ps"), + ("pointer-events", "pe"), + ("position", "pos"), + ("position-anchor", "pos-anch"), + ("position-try", "pos-try"), + ("position-try-options", "pos-try-opt"), + ("position-try-order", "pos-try-ord"), + ("position-visibility", "pos-vis"), + ("print-color-adjust", "pca"), + ("quotes", "q"), + ("resize", "rsz"), + ("right", "r"), + ("rotate", "rot"), + ("row-gap", "rg"), + ("ruby-align", "ra"), + ("ruby-merge", "rm"), + ("ruby-position", "rp"), + ("scale", "sc"), + ("scroll-behavior", "sb"), + ("scroll-margin", "sm"), + ("scroll-margin-block", "smb"), + ("scroll-margin-block-end", "smbe"), + ("scroll-margin-block-start", "smbs"), + ("scroll-margin-bottom", "smbt"), + ("scroll-margin-inline", "smi"), + ("scroll-margin-inline-end", "smie"), + ("scroll-margin-inline-start", "smis"), + ("scroll-margin-left", "sml"), + ("scroll-margin-right", "smr"), + ("scroll-margin-top", "smt"), + ("scroll-padding", "sp"), + ("scroll-padding-block", "spb"), + ("scroll-padding-block-end", "spbe"), + ("scroll-padding-block-start", "spbs"), + ("scroll-padding-bottom", "spbot"), + ("scroll-padding-inline", "spi"), + ("scroll-padding-inline-end", "spie"), + ("scroll-padding-inline-start", "spis"), + ("scroll-padding-left", "spl"), + ("scroll-padding-right", "spr"), + ("scroll-padding-top", "spt"), + ("scroll-snap-align", "ssa"), + ("scroll-snap-coordinate", "ssc"), + ("scroll-snap-destination", "ssd"), + ("scroll-snap-points-x", "sspx"), + ("scroll-snap-points-y", "sspy"), + ("scroll-snap-stop", "sss"), + ("scroll-snap-type", "sst"), + ("scroll-snap-type-x", "sstx"), + ("scroll-snap-type-y", "ssty"), + ("scroll-timeline", "stl"), + ("scroll-timeline-axis", "sta"), + ("scroll-timeline-name", "stn"), + ("scrollbar-color", "sc"), + ("scrollbar-gutter", "sg"), + ("scrollbar-width", "sw"), + ("shape-image-threshold", "sit"), + ("shape-margin", "sm"), + ("shape-outside", "so"), + ("stacking", "stk"), + ("status", "sts"), + ("syntax", "syn"), + ("tab-size", "ts"), + ("table-layout", "tl"), + ("text-align", "ta"), + ("text-align-last", "tal"), + ("text-combine-upright", "tcu"), + ("text-decoration", "td"), + ("text-decoration-color", "tdc"), + ("text-decoration-line", "tdl"), + ("text-decoration-skip", "tds"), + ("text-decoration-skip-ink", "tdsi"), + ("text-decoration-style", "tdst"), + ("text-decoration-thickness", "tdth"), + ("text-emphasis", "te"), + ("text-emphasis-color", "tec"), + ("text-emphasis-position", "tep"), + ("text-emphasis-style", "tes"), + ("text-indent", "ti"), + ("text-justify", "tj"), + ("text-orientation", "to"), + ("text-overflow", "tov"), + ("text-rendering", "tr"), + ("text-shadow", "tsh"), + ("text-size-adjust", "tsa"), + ("text-spacing-trim", "tst"), + ("text-transform", "tt"), + ("text-underline-offset", "tuo"), + ("text-underline-position", "tup"), + ("text-wrap", "tw"), + ("text-wrap-mode", "twm"), + ("text-wrap-style", "tws"), + ("timeline-scope", "tls"), + ("top", "t"), + ("touch-action", "ta"), + ("transform", "tf"), + ("transform-box", "tfb"), + ("transform-origin", "tfo"), + ("transform-style", "tfs"), + ("transition", "tr"), + ("transition-behavior", "trb"), + ("transition-delay", "trd"), + ("transition-duration", "trdu"), + ("transition-property", "trp"), + ("transition-timing-function", "trtf"), + ("translate", "tl"), + ("unicode-bidi", "ub"), + ("user-select", "us"), + ("vertical-align", "va"), + ("view-timeline", "vt"), + ("view-timeline-axis", "vta"), + ("view-timeline-inset", "vti"), + ("view-timeline-name", "vtn"), + ("view-transition-name", "vtrn"), + ("visibility", "vis"), + ("white-space", "ws"), + ("white-space-collapse", "wsc"), + ("widows", "wdw"), + ("width", "w"), + ("will-change", "wc"), + ("word-break", "wb"), + ("word-spacing", "wsp"), + ("word-wrap", "ww"), + ("writing-mode", "wm"), + ("z-index", "z"), + ("zoom", "zm"), + // --- CUSTOM --- + // generate built-in animation with all predefined rules + ("g-anim", "g-anim"), +]; + +/// A HashMap mapping both full names and abbreviations to the full CSS property names. +static COMPONENTS_MAP: Lazy> = Lazy::new(|| { + let mut m = HashMap::new(); + for &(full_name, abbreviation) in PROPERTIES.iter() { + m.insert(full_name, full_name); + m.insert(abbreviation, full_name); + } + m +}); + +/// A HashMap mapping full CSS property names to their abbreviations. +static FULL_TO_SHORT_MAP: Lazy> = + Lazy::new(|| PROPERTIES.iter().cloned().collect()); + +/// A list of all component strings (full names and abbreviations). +static ALL_COMPONENTS: Lazy> = + Lazy::new(|| COMPONENTS_MAP.keys().cloned().collect()); + +/// Gets the full CSS property name corresponding to the given component string. +/// +/// The component string can be either the full CSS property name or its abbreviation. +/// +/// # Arguments +/// +/// * `component_str` - The component string to look up. +/// +/// # Returns +/// +/// * `Option<&'static str>` - The full CSS property name if found, or `None` if not found. +pub fn get_css_property(component_str: &str) -> Option<&'static str> { + COMPONENTS_MAP.get(component_str).cloned() +} + +/// Gets the abbreviation for a given full CSS property name. +/// +/// # Arguments +/// +/// * `full_name` - The full CSS property name. +/// +/// # Returns +/// +/// * `Option<&'static str>` - The abbreviation if found, or `None` if not found. +pub fn get_shorten_component(full_name: &str) -> Option<&'static str> { + FULL_TO_SHORT_MAP.get(full_name).cloned() +} + +/// Gets a list of all components (both full CSS property names and their abbreviations). +/// +/// # Returns +/// +/// * `&'static [&'static str]` - A slice containing all component strings. +pub fn get_all_components() -> &'static [&'static str] { + ALL_COMPONENTS.as_slice() +} + +#[cfg(test)] +mod tests { + use super::*; + + #[test] + fn test_get_css_property_full_name() { + assert_eq!(get_css_property("accent-color"), Some("accent-color")); + assert_eq!(get_css_property("align-items"), Some("align-items")); + } + + #[test] + fn test_get_css_property_abbreviation() { + assert_eq!(get_css_property("acc"), Some("accent-color")); + assert_eq!(get_css_property("ai"), Some("align-items")); + } + + #[test] + fn test_get_css_property_unknown() { + assert_eq!(get_css_property("unknown"), None); + assert_eq!(get_css_property("xyz"), None); + } + + #[test] + fn test_get_shorten_component() { + assert_eq!(get_shorten_component("accent-color"), Some("acc")); + assert_eq!(get_shorten_component("align-items"), Some("ai")); + } + + #[test] + fn test_get_shorten_component_unknown() { + assert_eq!(get_shorten_component("unknown-property"), None); + assert_eq!(get_shorten_component("acc"), None); // "acc" is an abbreviation, not a full name + } + + #[test] + fn test_get_all_components() { + let components = get_all_components(); + assert!(components.contains(&"accent-color")); + assert!(components.contains(&"acc")); + assert!(components.contains(&"align-items")); + assert!(components.contains(&"ai")); + assert!(!components.contains(&"unknown")); + } + + #[test] + fn test_get_css_property_case_sensitive() { + // Ensure that the lookup is case-sensitive + assert_eq!(get_css_property("Acc"), None); + assert_eq!(get_css_property("ACC"), None); + } + + #[test] + fn test_get_shorten_component_case_sensitive() { + assert_eq!(get_shorten_component("Accent-Color"), None); + assert_eq!(get_shorten_component("ACCENT-COLOR"), None); + } +} diff --git a/src/core/ b/src/core/ index 9e47ca2..70b899c 100644 --- a/src/core/ +++ b/src/core/ @@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ use crate::buffer::add_message; use super::animations::ANIMATIONS; +use super::component::get_css_property; use super::{config::Config, spell::Spell, GrimoireCSSError}; use regex::Regex; use std::collections::HashMap; @@ -85,488 +86,7 @@ impl<'a> CSSGenerator<'a> { // css custom properties support Some(component_str) } else { - match component_str { - "accent-color" | "acc" => Some("accent-color"), - "align-content" | "ac" => Some("align-content"), - "align-items" | "ai" => Some("align-items"), - "align-self" | "as" => Some("align-self"), - "align-tracks" | "atr" => Some("align-tracks"), - "all" => Some("all"), - "anchor-name" | "anc-n" => Some("anchor-name"), - "anchor-scope" | "anc-s" => Some("anchor-scope"), - "animation" | "anim" => Some("animation"), - "animation-composition" | "anim-comp" => Some("animation-composition"), - "animation-delay" | "anim-d" => Some("animation-delay"), - "animation-direction" | "anim-dir" => Some("animation-direction"), - "animation-duration" | "anim-du" => Some("animation-duration"), - "animation-fill-mode" | "anim-fm" => Some("animation-fill-mode"), - "animation-iteration-count" | "anim-ic" => Some("animation-iteration-count"), - "animation-name" | "anim-n" => Some("animation-name"), - "animation-play-state" | "anim-ps" => Some("animation-play-state"), - "animation-range" | "anim-r" => Some("animation-range"), - "animation-range-end" | "anim-re" => Some("animation-range-end"), - "animation-range-start" | "anim-rs" => Some("animation-range-start"), - "animation-timeline" | "at" => Some("animation-timeline"), - "animation-timing-function" | "atf" => Some("animation-timing-function"), - "animationType" | "atype" => Some("animationType"), - "appearance" | "app" => Some("appearance"), - "appliesto" | "applies" => Some("appliesto"), - "aspect-ratio" | "ar" => Some("aspect-ratio"), - "azimuth" | "az" => Some("azimuth"), - "backdrop-filter" | "bf" => Some("backdrop-filter"), - "backface-visibility" | "bvis" => Some("backface-visibility"), - "background" | "bg" => Some("background"), - "background-attachment" | "bga" => Some("background-attachment"), - "background-blend-mode" | "bgblm" => Some("background-blend-mode"), - "background-clip" | "bgclip" => Some("background-clip"), - "background-color" | "bgc" => Some("background-color"), - "background-image" | "bgi" => Some("background-image"), - "background-origin" | "bgo" => Some("background-origin"), - "background-position" | "bgp" => Some("background-position"), - "background-position-x" | "bgpx" => Some("background-position-x"), - "background-position-y" | "bgpy" => Some("background-position-y"), - "background-repeat" | "bgr" => Some("background-repeat"), - "background-size" | "bgsz" => Some("background-size"), - "block-size" | "bsz" => Some("block-size"), - "border" | "b" => Some("border"), - "border-block" | "bblk" => Some("border-block"), - "border-block-color" | "bblk-c" => Some("border-block-color"), - "border-block-end" | "bbe" => Some("border-block-end"), - "border-block-end-color" | "bbec" => Some("border-block-end-color"), - "border-block-end-style" | "bbes" => Some("border-block-end-style"), - "border-block-end-width" | "bbew" => Some("border-block-end-width"), - "border-block-start" | "bblk-s" => Some("border-block-start"), - "border-block-start-color" | "bbsc" => Some("border-block-start-color"), - "border-block-start-style" | "bbss" => Some("border-block-start-style"), - "border-block-start-width" | "bbsw" => Some("border-block-start-width"), - "border-block-style" | "bblk-sty" => Some("border-block-style"), - "border-block-width" | "bblk-w" => Some("border-block-width"), - "border-bottom" | 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=> Some("scroll-padding-block-start"), - "scroll-padding-bottom" | "spbot" => Some("scroll-padding-bottom"), - "scroll-padding-inline" | "spi" => Some("scroll-padding-inline"), - "scroll-padding-inline-end" | "spie" => Some("scroll-padding-inline-end"), - "scroll-padding-inline-start" | "spis" => Some("scroll-padding-inline-start"), - "scroll-padding-left" | "spl" => Some("scroll-padding-left"), - "scroll-padding-right" | "spr" => Some("scroll-padding-right"), - "scroll-padding-top" | "spt" => Some("scroll-padding-top"), - "scroll-snap-align" | "ssa" => Some("scroll-snap-align"), - "scroll-snap-coordinate" | "ssc" => Some("scroll-snap-coordinate"), - "scroll-snap-destination" | "ssd" => Some("scroll-snap-destination"), - "scroll-snap-points-x" | "sspx" => Some("scroll-snap-points-x"), - "scroll-snap-points-y" | "sspy" => Some("scroll-snap-points-y"), - "scroll-snap-stop" | "sss" => Some("scroll-snap-stop"), - "scroll-snap-type" | "sst" => Some("scroll-snap-type"), - "scroll-snap-type-x" | "sstx" => Some("scroll-snap-type-x"), - "scroll-snap-type-y" | "ssty" => Some("scroll-snap-type-y"), - "scroll-timeline" | "stl" => Some("scroll-timeline"), - "scroll-timeline-axis" | "sta" => Some("scroll-timeline-axis"), - "scroll-timeline-name" | "stn" => Some("scroll-timeline-name"), - "scrollbar-color" | "scrlbc" => Some("scrollbar-color"), - "scrollbar-gutter" | "sg" => Some("scrollbar-gutter"), - "scrollbar-width" | "sw" => Some("scrollbar-width"), - "shape-image-threshold" | "sit" => Some("shape-image-threshold"), - "shape-margin" | "shpm" => Some("shape-margin"), - "shape-outside" | "so" => Some("shape-outside"), - "stacking" | "stk" => Some("stacking"), - "status" | "sts" => Some("status"), - "syntax" | "syn" => Some("syntax"), - "tab-size" | "ts" => Some("tab-size"), - "table-layout" | "tbllyt" => Some("table-layout"), - "text-align" | "ta" => Some("text-align"), - "text-align-last" | "tal" => Some("text-align-last"), - "text-combine-upright" | "tcu" => Some("text-combine-upright"), - "text-decoration" | "td" => Some("text-decoration"), - "text-decoration-color" | "tdc" => Some("text-decoration-color"), - "text-decoration-line" | "tdl" => Some("text-decoration-line"), - "text-decoration-skip" | "tds" => Some("text-decoration-skip"), - "text-decoration-skip-ink" | "tdsi" => Some("text-decoration-skip-ink"), - "text-decoration-style" | "tdst" => Some("text-decoration-style"), - "text-decoration-thickness" | "tdth" => Some("text-decoration-thickness"), - "text-emphasis" | "te" => Some("text-emphasis"), - "text-emphasis-color" | "tec" => Some("text-emphasis-color"), - "text-emphasis-position" | "tep" => Some("text-emphasis-position"), - "text-emphasis-style" | "tes" => Some("text-emphasis-style"), - "text-indent" | "ti" => Some("text-indent"), - "text-justify" | "tj" => Some("text-justify"), - "text-orientation" | "to" => Some("text-orientation"), - "text-overflow" | "tov" => Some("text-overflow"), - "text-rendering" | "txtrnd" => Some("text-rendering"), - "text-shadow" | "tsh" => Some("text-shadow"), - "text-size-adjust" | "tsa" => Some("text-size-adjust"), - "text-spacing-trim" | "tst" => Some("text-spacing-trim"), - "text-transform" | "tt" => Some("text-transform"), - "text-underline-offset" | "tuo" => Some("text-underline-offset"), - "text-underline-position" | "tup" => Some("text-underline-position"), - "text-wrap" | "tw" => Some("text-wrap"), - "text-wrap-mode" | "twm" => Some("text-wrap-mode"), - "text-wrap-style" | "tws" => Some("text-wrap-style"), - "timeline-scope" | "tls" => Some("timeline-scope"), - "top" | "t" => Some("top"), - "touch-action" | "tchact" => Some("touch-action"), - "transform" | "tf" => Some("transform"), - "transform-box" | "tfb" => Some("transform-box"), - "transform-origin" | "tfo" => Some("transform-origin"), - "transform-style" | "tfs" => Some("transform-style"), - "transition" | "trans" => Some("transition"), - "transition-behavior" | "trb" => Some("transition-behavior"), - "transition-delay" | "trd" => Some("transition-delay"), - "transition-duration" | "trdu" => Some("transition-duration"), - "transition-property" | "trp" => Some("transition-property"), - "transition-timing-function" | "trtf" => Some("transition-timing-function"), - "translate" | "transl" => Some("translate"), - "unicode-bidi" | "ub" => Some("unicode-bidi"), - "user-select" | "us" => Some("user-select"), - "vertical-align" | "va" => Some("vertical-align"), - "view-timeline" | "vt" => Some("view-timeline"), - "view-timeline-axis" | "vta" => Some("view-timeline-axis"), - "view-timeline-inset" | "vti" => Some("view-timeline-inset"), - "view-timeline-name" | "vtn" => Some("view-timeline-name"), - "view-transition-name" | "vtrn" => Some("view-transition-name"), - "visibility" | "vis" => Some("visibility"), - "white-space" | "ws" => Some("white-space"), - "white-space-collapse" | "wsc" => Some("white-space-collapse"), - "widows" | "wdw" => Some("widows"), - "width" | "w" => Some("width"), - "will-change" | "wc" => Some("will-change"), - "word-break" | "wb" => Some("word-break"), - "word-spacing" | "wsp" => Some("word-spacing"), - "word-wrap" | "ww" => Some("word-wrap"), - "writing-mode" | "wm" => Some("writing-mode"), - "z-index" | "z" => Some("z-index"), - "zoom" | "zm" => Some("zoom"), - // --- CUSTOM --- - // generate built-in animation with all predefined rules - "g-anim" => Some("g-anim"), - - _ => None, - } + get_css_property(component_str) }; match css_property { diff --git a/src/core/ b/src/core/ index 5583246..80736bc 100644 --- a/src/core/ +++ b/src/core/ @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ mod animations; mod build_info; +pub mod component; pub mod config; pub mod css_builder; mod css_generator; diff --git a/src/core/ b/src/core/ index 503803b..a14e503 100644 --- a/src/core/ +++ b/src/core/ @@ -2,18 +2,15 @@ //! and templated spells from HTML or other input files. It can traverse directories, parse files, //! and extract class names based on specific patterns, using regular expressions. +use super::GrimoireCSSError; +use crate::buffer::add_message; +use regex::Regex; use std::{ collections::HashSet, fs, path::{Path, PathBuf}, }; -use regex::Regex; - -use crate::buffer::add_message; - -use super::GrimoireCSSError; - /// `Parser` is responsible for extracting CSS class names and templated spells from HTML or other /// files. It uses regular expressions to find class names and spell-like patterns, and supports /// processing both single files and entire directories.