WiFi pineapple API Wrapper written in python
Documentation is a work in progress. It may not be complete for a while, but I believe the code to be very readable and if you do know python it shouldn't be too hard to figure out. Some hints:
- All modules have the same name they do on the pineapple (all lower case). To see what a module can do just run
- To find out more about the WiFi Pineapple API itself, set
debug = True
when instantiating yourPineapple()
s and it will log the HTTP requests it makes - Read the WiFi Pineapple php source located on your pineapple at
as well as the corresponding python files in this project
This is currently undergoing a rewrite and some methods may appear to have duplicate functionality. This is being done to keep backward compatibility. Method names will mirror those shipped with Pineapple Firmware and associated Modules. Planning on adding some additional helpers. This README will be updated over time. Feel free to let me know if you want a specific feature.
API_TOKEN = "xxxxxxxxxx..." from pineapple import * fruit = pineapple.Pineapple(API_TOKEN)
Deauth/dissasoc the clients 73:65:62:6b:69:6e
and 6e:65:73:67:69:61
from the bssid 6e:74:64:69:63:6b
5 times on channel 1
fruit.getModule("pineap").deauth('6e:74:64:69:63:6b', ['73:65:62:6b:69:6e', '6e:65:73:67:69:61'], 5, 1)
p = fruit.getModule("pineap").getSSIDPool()
Returns a dict. The pool is on the key "ssidPool" separated by newlines. To get a quick list, do the following:
ssids = p['ssidPool'].split('\n')
Some support for download files via token was added to api and recon
Will return a dict with key "download" and a unique download token for the results of Scan ID 1. So knowing that, you can call api.download now to get the results
myScan = fruit.api.download(fruit.getModule("recon").downloadResults(1)['download'])
myScan will be the raw file text. In the case of a recon scan, it is json. So you can make it more usable with json.loads(myScan) To generate API tokens, use the API Tokens module