Header and paragraphs do not have margins. Avoiding margin collapse makes styling way easier.
Top Navigation links
I only make the font-size: larger and text-decoration: none. You can then layout it as you want.
Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Neque minima libero sint, veritatis quo ratione. Magni
- assumenda fuga fugiat iure dolor eaque ratione culpa mollitia expedita voluptates. Alias, odio vel?
Click to expand
I just added cursor: pointer; to the summary element, good enough.
Forms layout are always customized and the styling is highly coupled with the layout. Example: margins of labels are
highly coupled with the decision on puting them above the input or besides it. That's why Sustainable.css do not add
@@ -55,11 +44,9 @@
We focus on giving a small styling to the inputs elements and let the user define how to layout it and further customize it.
We do recommend using the sadly forgotten fieldset element.
The following form is just 10 lines of CSS, good enough.