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3.6. Metadata Browser and Search

Paulo Pinheiro edited this page Apr 8, 2018 · 3 revisions

The Metadata Browser allows you to examine the parts of your data collection that give it context, including the entities observed, the characteristics being measured, and the sensors taking the measurements. Metadata is kept as linked data in order to preserve the relationships between it and the data, and leverages ontologies already in use by other scentific communities to aid interoperability. Ontologies also provide a hierarchical structure of concepts, which can help lend insight into the organization of the sensor network collecting the data.

You can reach the Metadata Browser from the HADataC portal page by clicking "Browse Metadata", or, if you are already on another page, by clicking "Metadata Browser" in the black top bar. HADAtaC Home with Metadata Browser link highlighted

3.6.1. Platform, Instrument, and Detector Model Hierarchies

These three displays show the models of sensors in your data collection project. They are represented as a hierarchy backed by the HASNetO and VSTOI ontologies. Sensor models are considered classes - that is, they are general concepts rather than physical objects. The default "tree view" on these pages displays this hierarchy as an interactive tree, with broader concepts on the left side, branching out into more specific ones towards the right. Click nodes to expand or contract subtrees (all are expanded by default), or mouse over a node for additional information.

The "table view" contains the same information as a flat table. Click the name of the model to expand its block entry in order to see detailed information about that sensor model. The table views all have printer-friendly versions available - while you are on the table view tab, you can print from your browser in order to get a paper copy of the list with all accordion tabs expanded.

Platform Model Hierarchy Platform Models

  • Name: The name of the model.
  • Maker: The manufacturer.
  • Description: Some description of the Platform Model, such as where it is used, etc.

Instrument Model Hierarchy Instrument Models

  • Name: Model name
  • Maker: Manufacturer name
  • Description: Short description of Instrument model.
  • Number of attached detectors: How many Detectors are permanently part of this Instrument
  • Maximum number of detachable detectors: How many removable Detectors may be attached to this Instrument
  • Maximum number of logged measurements: How many measurements can be stored.
  • Min and max operating temperature: Temperature range inside which the Instrument is expected to function.

Detector Model Hierarchy Detector Models

  • Name: Model name

  • Maker: Manufacturer name

  • Description: Short description of Detector model.

  • Sensing Perspective: A description of what and where this Detector is designed to measure. Each Sensing Perspective has its own set of additional properties:

  • Name: A pairing of an Entity and a Characteristic, to help uniquely define a Detector's context. This is important in cases where there may be measurements of two different Characteristics of the same Entity (for example, AirTemperature vs AirRelativeHumidity), or the same Characteristic of two different Entities (such as AirTemperature vs WaterTemperature).

  • Accuracy %: The expected accuracy of this Detector when measuring the given EntityCharacteristic, expressed as a percentage.

  • Accuracy R2

  • Output resolution: The resolution of the measurements taken by the Detector.

  • Max response time:

  • Min and max range of values: Lowest and highest numbers the Detector records.

3.6.2. Platform, Instrument, and Detector Lists

These displays are for viewing individual sensors. Each one is an instance of a model, which is why you may see some names repeated in the table list. For example, your project may use two thermometers of the same model; HASNetO requires that each one have its own unique identifier (typically a serial number), but because they are both the same class (eg, model), they still share certain characteristics such as manufacturer or design specifications.

While the Model Hierarchy view gives information about the properties common to all individual sensors of that model, the individual Lists views shows properties specific to each single sensor. There is only a table view for these displays, and each entry can be expanded to see detailed information about that sensor. Each table can also be printed out with all entries expanded, if you require a paper copy for evaluation purposes.

Platform List Platform List

  • Name: Model name of the Platform.
  • Serial Number: Unique identifier for this Platform.
  • Lat-long location: Latitude and Longitude describing where this Platform is deployed.

Instrument List Instrument List

  • Name: Instrument model name.
  • Serial Number: Instrument's unique identifier.

Detector List Detector List

  • Name: Model name of the Detector.
  • Serial Number: Detector's unique identifier.

3.6.3. Entity, Characteristic, and EntityCharacteristic

These displays show metadata for what your collection measures. These sections leverage the Extensible Observation Ontology (OBOE) to describe the Entity and Characteristic of the measurements in order to provide context for the data. In the OBOE model, the Entity is the thing being observed (such as the water in a lake, the air in a room, or a sample in a laboratory), and the Characteristic is the specific thing being measured (such as dissolved oxygen saturation, relative humidity, or color). Note that it is possible for a sensor to also be an Entity if it also logs data about itself, such as battery charge. Both Entities and Characteristics are more general concepts, and there is no one-to-one mapping between Entities and Characteristics in OBOE: two Entities may share a Characteristic (ie, water temperature and air temperature), and a single Entity may have multiple Characteristics (ie, temperature, relative humidity, and particulate matter are all possible Characteristics of air).

Entity Hierarchy Characteristic Hierarchy

Entity and Characteristic displays also contain both a tree view showing the hierarchy from the OBOE ontology, including whatever extensions have been made to include concepts relevant to your data collections. As with the sensors' tree views, subtrees can be expanded/contracted by clicking on the nodes, and mousing over displays additional information in a panel on the right side.

Entity-Characteristic Table EntityCharacteristic

An EntityCharacteristic is, as the name suggests, a pairing of an Entity with a Characteristic. These are the more specific things that we can match to Detectors as "sensing perspectives". If a thermometer only works in water, then it has "WaterTemperature" as the EntityCharacteristic of its Sensing Perspective. This differentiates it from a different thermometer that only works in air - both measure the same Characteristic, but of different Entities. A thermometer that can be used for both AirTemperature and WaterTemperature has two Sensing Perspectives.

The EntityCharacteristic view is a pair of tables that shows the matchings between Entity and Characteristic. The information in both tables is the same, but displayed differently: one with the Entity in the leftmost column, and one with the Characteristic in the leftmost column. Both are provided so that you can decide which is easier to use for your specific task. In both tables, you may sort any column alphabetically by clicking the column name.

Unit Hierarchy

3.6.4. Standards

The OBOE-Standards ontology provides URI's for units to describe your measurements. The base ontology includes both SI units and Imperial units, but may require extensions in order to fully cover all units your data collections require. The structure of the ontology separates units into BaseUnits, which cannot be "naturally decomposed into other units" (eg, second, or degree Celsius); DerivedUnits, which "raise a base unit to an integer power other than 0 or 1" (eg, meter-squared); and CompositeUnits, which are composed of one or more base or composite units (eg, meter-per-second). The tree hierarchy here can be helpful to determine how to classify units you are adding.

Agent Network

3.6.5. Agents

Agents include both individuals and organizations related to your data collection project. This naturally includes people involved in the data collection itself, as well as any organizations/labs/groups with which they may be affiliated. The Agent network also includes the companies who manufacture the sensors that your project uses - this helps HADataC store information about their contact information, in case reaching a manufacturer is necessary to answer questions, and also helps keep documentation resources published by that company close at hand.

Each node is either a person or an organization, and are connected to other organization nodes to represent a part-of relationship. For example, a professor's person node will be connected to their affiliated lab or department's organization node; this is then connected to a node for the university, which may also have other labs/departments branching off of it, as well.

Data Owner Guide

  1. Installation
    1.1. Installing for Linux (Production)
    1.2. Installing for Linux (Development)
    1.3. Installing for MacOS (Development)
    1.4. Deploying with Docker (Production)
    1.5. Deploying with Docker (Development)
    1.6. Installing for Vagrant under Windows
    1.7. Upgrading
    1.8. Starting HADatAc
    1.9. Stopping HADatAc
  2. Setting Up
    2.1. Software Configuration
    2.2. Knowledge Graph Bootstrap
    2.2.1. Knowledge Graph
    2.2.2. Bootstrap without Labkey
    2.2.3. Bootstrap with Labkey
    2.3. Config Verification
  3. Using HADatAc
    3.1. Initial Page
    3.1.1. Home Button
    3.1.2. Sandbox Mode Button
    3.2. File Ingestion
    3.2.1. Ingesting Study Content
    3.2.2. Manual Submission of Files
    3.2.3. Automatic Submission of Files
    3.2.4. Data File Operations
    3.3. Manage Working Files 3.3.1. [Create Empty Semantic File from Template]
    3.3.2. SDD Editor
    3.3.3. DD Editor
    3.4. Manage Metadata
    3.4.1. Manage Instrument Infrastructure
    3.4.2. Manage Deployments 3.4.3. Manage Studies
    3.4.4. [Manage Object Collections]
    3.4.5. Manage Streams
    3.4.6. Manage Semantic Data Dictionaries
    3.4.7. Manage Indicators
    3.5. Data Search
    3.5.1. Data Faceted Search
    3.5.2. Data Spatial Search
    3.6. Metadata Browser and Search
    3.7. Knowledge Graph Browser
    3.8. API
    3.9. Data Download
  4. Software Architecture
    4.1. Software Components
    4.2. The Human-Aware Science Ontology (HAScO)
  5. Metadata Files
    5.1. Deployment Specification (DPL)
    5.2. Study Specification (STD)
    5.3. Semantic Study Design (SSD)
    5.4. Semantic Data Dictionary (SDD)
    5.5. Stream Specification (STR)
  6. Content Evolution
    6.1. Namespace List Update
    6.2. Ontology Update
    6.3. [DPL Update]
    6.4. [SSD Update]
    6.5. SDD Update
  7. Data Governance
    7.1. Access Network
    7.2. User Status, Categories and Access Permissions
    7.3. Data and Metadata Privacy
  8. HADatAc-Supported Projects
  9. Derived Products and Technologies
  10. Glossary
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