Welcome to Marvel Heroes! An app that showcases information about Marvel superheroes and their comics. This app allows users to explore a vast collection of heroes, view their details, and browse through the associated comics.
- Browse Heroes: Explore a list of Marvel superheroes and their key information.
- Hero Details: View detailed information about a specific superhero, including their name, description, and related comics.
- Comic appearances: Get a list for all the comics associated with a hero with a cover image and title.
- React Native v0.63
- Typescript
- Redux Toolkit
- Apisauce
- React Navigation
- Jest & React Native Testing Library
- Husky
- ESLint & Prettier
- Developing target: Android
├── components
│ ├── Comic
│ ├── ComicsList
│ ├── Header
│ ├── HeroCard
│ ├── HeroesList
│ └── LoginForm
├── hooks
│ ├── useLoadCurrentHero
│ └── useUser
│ └── utils
├── navigation
│ ├── ProviderWrappers
│ ├── StackNavigator
│ └── types
├── proxy
├── Screens
│ ├── HeroDetailScreen
│ ├── HomeScreen
│ └── LoginScreen
├── store
│ └── features
│ ├── heroSlice
│ └── userSlice
├── styles
└── utils
The Project was developed using Node version 16.20.0
Install the dependencies. Run the following command in the project root:
npm install
Once the installation has finished, make sure that the tsconfig.json
matches the one present in the repository.
Start the Metro Bundler running the following command in the project root:
- Visit the React Native documentation for environment setup instructions.
npm start
Open a new terminal and run:
npm run android
To run the test suite, use the following commands:
npm test
npm run test:coverage
Project is: Done