Yggdrasil is a everyday to-do application written in C. With a clean and intuitive interface, along with a range of useful features to streamline your productivity.
It supports serialization & deserialization of tasks. Furthmore, the app implements a priority system for your tasks and the displayed tasks are sorted from high to low priority. There is also a filtering system that filters tasks after different critia (eg. completed, high priority,in progress).
The UI of the applicaton is written with the leif UI library which is a small immediate mode UI framework that is written in C and made by cococry.
Application only supports Linux and MacOS.
sudo pacman -S gcc make glfw glew cglm # Arch Linux
yay -S libclipboard-git
git clone https://github.com/cococry/leif # Clone leif (UI Library)
cd leif
make -j$(nproc) && sudo make install
cp -rf ./.leif ~/
gcc -o todo yggdrasil.c -lleif -lglfw -lm -lGL -lclipboard
cococry for the leif UI library.
Yggdrasil is licensed under the MIT License.