Thanks for wanting to be a part of this Laravel package! This is a simple and standard guide to assist in how to contribute to this project.
Well, you can:
- Tackle any open issues
- Help review pull requests
- Update documentation in our wiki
- And more!
You don't have to be a superstar, or someone with experience, you can just dive in and help if you feel you can.
Its best to:
- Fork the repository (see adding upstream below)
- Create a branch such as
- Create your code
- Create and run successful tests (see testing below)
- Submit a pull request
Its best to:
- Ensure the bug was not already reported by searching all issues.
- If you're unable to find an open issue addressing the problem, open a new one.
- Be sure to include a title and clear description, as much relevant information as possible.
Its best to:
- Fork the repository (see adding upstream below)
- Create a branch such as
- Create your code
- Create and run successful tests (see testing below)
- Submit a pull request
- Comment on the issue
If you're forking the repository and wish to keep your copy up-to-date with the master, ensure you run this command:
git remote add upstream
You can then update by simply running:
git checkout master && git pull upstream master
We use PHPUnit to run tests. Simply run composer install
Next, run vendor/bin/phpunit
and the rest will be taken care of. Upon any pull requests and merges.
For quicker tests, be sure to disable coverage with vendor/bin/phpunit --no-coverage
We use PHP-CS-Fixer to check for code style violations.
To lint the code, simply run composer lint
We also utilize Github Actions. Currently it will:
- Pull the package
- Test the package against a matrix of PHP and Laravel Versions
- Confirm coding styling is good
- Updates coverage results
That's it! Enjoy.