This is the document that contains the ideas we want to put into UniScript.
- BootStrap with CoffeeScript as both UniScript (syntax) and C'Dent (compiler)
- UniScript should be migrated to Pegex parser instead of the Jison + helpers dance that Coffee uses.
- Use Makefiles for eveything. Generate Makefile from package.yaml when possible.
global replaced by symbol
maybe %
%('name') replaces require('name')
is tied to JS, but needed by nearly every module
No keywords. All [\w$]+ can be identifier
var = 1 if = 2 while = 3 class = 4
Defaults for destructuring
{x, y=default}
This would allow
foo = ({a, b=false}) ->
Indentation can extend any line
x = 1 if foo? or bar == 3
CoffeeScript doesn't support this, and it makes for long lines.
== Bad Coffee - Things to avoid that CoffeeScript does poorly
- Compile error messages need to be more friendly