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Lucas Dupias Loukass23
Co-Founder & Web Developer

@CodeAcademyBerlin Berlin

Aman Majid amanmajid
Energy Modeller/Analyst | Research Fellow, University of Oxford | Interested in decarbonisation strategies, energy transitions and sustainable development

@transition-zero London, UK

Nikolas Evers vintagesucks
web developer

@jungehaie Oldenburg, Germany

Mao mao1910
Not a Full-Stacker


Sakib Hasan shakibhasan09
Hi, I'm Sakib. I'm a computer programmer. Currently, I'm learning Data Science. I mostly work with web and app development. Loved watching anime 👍

Gazipur 1700, Bangladesh


The University of Texas at Austin

Rich Donohue rgdonohue
Web Cartographer and Geographer. Associate Professor teaching online web mapping courses for New Maps Plus

New Maps Plus Colorado

Jean Marcos jhemarcos
Technology and society.

São Paulo, Brazil

Sam Hecht samjhecht
I've always felt rock and roll was very wholesome music.

Formerly Confluent, Inc. & Metamarkets San Francisco, CA

Mike Pineau mpineau

Department of Public Utilities Boston, MA

Lê Quang Thắng lethang7794

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Zach Gover zgover
→ Leader • Engineer • Full-Stack Web + Native Mobile • PM/PMM ← Founder, CEO @ Aglyn LLC • Director of Marketing @ DuploCloud, Inc.

@aglyn @duplocloud Austin, TX

Ansharullah Widiansyah ansharw
Forget all the reasons why it won't work and believe the one reason why it will


Erwin Soekianto esoekianto
Senior Developer Evangelist at HERE
