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R.Shyaam Prasadh sprasadhpy
MLE @ Veer | Google DeepMind Fellow Interests: Deep Learning, Alignment, MultiAgent AI,Computational Finance | Alumnus: UCL ,IITM, Ford Motors

University College London London, UK

Jarvis Jarvvski
What even _is_ code?

@sequencehq Earth

Elmira elmimansur
Quantifying the social and socializing the quantities

University of Oxford Oxford

Kamal A kamgg


Nerius Ilmonas Neriuzz
what's wrong? you've barely touched your 1503 unfinished projects today

@teamveer United Kingdom

electronic max electronicmax
Hi! I'm an Associate Professor h the Department of Computer Science at the University of Oxford.

University of Oxford Oxford, UK

Francesco C frannyfx
Veer co-founder, emperor of front-end development.

Veer London

Gus Levinson glevinson
Computer Science MSc graduate (focussed on AI, Blockchain & Software Engineering) at Imperial College London. 1st class honours Mathematics graduate.