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Erdong edx903
X Supports Life.

E.D. X

Dominic Aeby aebdom

Swisstopo Bern Switzerland

Hugo Lageneste hugolgst




Fabio Vinci fabiovinci
Member of the team for the "Operational support to the maintenance and technical evolution of INSPIRE components and artefacts'.


Stijn Vermeeren stijnvermeeren-swisstopo
Projektleiter Data Science, LGD (Datenmangement, Landesgeologie), Bundesamt für Landestopografie swisstopo


Hanspeter Christ hpchrist

Federal Office of Topography swisstopo 3084 Wabern, Switzerland

Oleg Lavrovsky loleg
🛠️ maintainer 🌳 wrangler ∮scener

aletsdat Köniz, Switzerland

Joan Sturm Tschoun
Topographic specialist in remote sensing at swisstopo. PhD student in the Remote Sensing of Water Systems group at the University of Zurich. .

swisstopo Bern, Switzerland