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yu2C yu2C
Organic -> Theoretical/Computational Chemistry, web3 enthusiasmer
Divgun tekvyy
full stack developer in the morning, blockchain enthusiast by the night. #swift #reactnative #nft #solidity #substrate #rust

Mississauga , Canada

Eliécer R. Hernández F. Paraguanads

@DexKit Punto Fijo, Venezuela

Julio Cesar JulioCesarXY
"💻 Entusiasta de novas linguagens de programação | 🚀 Explorando formas inovadoras de resolver problemas e criar soluções"

Solo Genesis

Razi Taj Mazinani razi-tm
Machine learning engineer at sharifsearch
Andrey AndreyKortosov
System Analyst / Product Manager

Soramitsu Porto, Portugal

DATA SCIENCE and MACHINE LEARNING,AI is Update of technology,there are Innovative projects let's connect to collabrative .


Mehmet Köl Tiğin koltigin
Biologist (Ph.D. in Zoology) | Co-Founder: Anatolian Team | Node Runner | Gann Analyzer | Investor | Blockchain Enthusiast | Content Creator


Roberto L. V. Junior robertoveigajunior
Engineering Analyst - iOS Developer

São Paulo - SP - Brasil

H2BC Heru2BCrypt
Freaking out about crypto! So how was it when they had to live with scraps of paper, instead gold? - The Jar Collector -


Dhruv Malik dhruvmalik007
buildL / consultant for web3 , generative AI and security auditor

Frontier-tech Europe

Soranauts | SORA & Polkaswap Onboarding Initiative soranauts
Dedicated to exploring and contributing to the SORA network - a revolutionary supranational economic system utilizing blockchain technology.
griegog211 griegos211
Marketing and Advertising also Crypto Trading and Anything else you can make money from

Rabbits Creation Spot Bernalillo,New Mexico

I'm interested in decentralized technologies.