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Avi BenEmanuel benemanuel
"Worship the Lord with joy. Enter his presence with joyful singing." (Psalms 100,2)

Shir Hashirim Institute Israel

Andrew Curtis amjcurtis
Full-stack software engineer

Greater Seattle, WA

Brian Hamilton bdhamilton

Florida Southern College Lakeland, FL

Mason Lancaster masomaster
Full-stack web developer based in sunny San Diego!

San Diego, CA

Wayne Schuller wayneschuller
I enjoy all things Javascript, React, web apps, Next.js, Google App Script, customising Google Workspace. Currently making powerlifting apps.

Melbourne, Australia

Shaun ShaunApps

Fort Lauderdale

James Cuénod jcuenod
Autodidact. Academic. Biblical exegesis. Coding is a way of life. 🇿🇦

Seed Company

Dan biblenerd
Husband, father, thinker, anachronism detector, coder, and geek. That sentence was intentionally written with an Oxford Comma.


Kyle VanDeRiet kylevdr
Web and mobile developer