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MC Peko mcpeko

Focus Studios Fredrikstad, Norway

André Roaldseth androa
Software developer that works for NAV

@navikt Oslo, Norway

Zeshan Mubshir ZeshanMubashir
Master Student - ICT Simulation & Visualization

NTNU, Norway Alesund, Norway

Even PhantomGamingdevelopment
Dont ask why i have so many domains, its useful okay?

Oslo, Norway

Space AudunVN
Hi! I mostly do (more or less) silly web things. :) 🏳️‍⚧️

Trondheim, Norway

Christian Neverdal flyrev
Lead Software Engineer | Professional Kanban Trainer at

@TelenorNorgeInternal Trondheim, Norway

Niklas Siefke niklasfyi
Software Engineer @MazeMap in Trondheim, Norway

@MazeMap Trondheim, Norway

Karima kath0809

Student Oslo, Norway

Maja MajaBru
3rd year student at NTNU. Learning web development 💻

NTNU Norway

frontender all3n49
I was never cut off for the boy scouts when I was younger, so I joined the man scouts when I was 7. @amaan-bhati का बैकप एवं गुप्त अकाउंट हू


Huma Ipek Humaipek
Software Automation Engineer ●Java ●Java Script ● Postman ●PostgreSQL ●Cucumber ●API ●Selenium ●Junit ●TestNG ●HTML-CSS ●Jmeter ●Cypress ●SQL ● JDBC ●Jira/Xra


Max max-nav

Oslo, Norway

Shékhar absqueued

Oslo, Norway

Tore M. Hirth Torehirth
Currently studying Front-End Development at Noroff Higher Vocational School.

Bergen, Norway

NehGuk NehGuk
I'm a newly-graduated frontend developer with a background in science communication and environmental studies.

Oslo, Norway

Pål André Holdahl pholdahl
Developer | 🕸 Web & Scripting, Integration, Automation, Prototyping 💻 | Proficient with VSCode & IntelliJ

pholdahl Oslo