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Lukas Gerlach monsterkrampe
Research Associate / PhD Student @knowsys

@knowsys Dresden

alpharush 0xalpharush


Win Wang wiwa
still compiling

New York

James Ashford JELAshford
Machine Learning Researcher and Data Scientist, formerly PhD student at the University of Oxford in the @SahakyanLab.


breandan breandan

@mila-iqia Montréal, Québec, Canada

Paul Xu xu-pu
Boring Engineer

HKUST Hong Kong

Luc Tielen luc-tielen
Interested in functional programming, compilers and logic. Mainly working on Eclair, a high performance Datalog that compiles to LLVM.

Lambda Tech Belgium

Philip Zucker philzook58
A pretty cool dude who does things.

Draper Boston

Reza tbmreza
Aspiring computer scientist


Michael Gathara Michaelgathara

University of Alabama at Birmingham Birmingham, Alabama, USA

Satyajeet Kumar Jha satyajeetkrjha
Syracuse University. Interest lies in Algorithms, Concurrency, Distributed systems and Cloud Networking.

New York ,USA

Ashraful Islam Rafi ashraful-islam-rafi
MSCS'24 @ UAB | Seeking Full-Time SWE Opportunities

University of Alabama at Birmingham Birmingham, Alabama, USA

Adya Parida adyaparida

Syracuse, New York, United States

Ahmedur Rahman Shovon arsho
Love to write code and enthusiast to develop software as well as have a deep interest to do research in computer science focusing on High-Performance Computing.

PhD(CS) Student at UIC Chicago, Illinois