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Patryk Miś PatrykMis
🚀 Aspiring Android Dev | Open Source Enthusiast | 🔐 Cybersecurity Advocate | 📱 Exploring Accessibility in Android


Vsevolod Popov sevapopov2
I am Vsevolod. I am interested in QA engineering. Currently I am learning automationin QA and Accessibility Testing. I learn coding in Java and Python.

Moscow, Russia.

Deniz Sincar denizsincar29
I am a russian and turkish student that likes programming, playing jazz piano. I am blind.


Prateek Glowing-Radiant
Passionate about everything related to technology in general, pythonic amateur.
Stanislaw Przedzinkowski Mudb0y
Blind kid who loves computers, Linux, Hackintoshing, and everything tech. Mainly codes in Python. Tinkerer / hacker by heart.


Yukie Satoshi Nobuharu yukie-nobuharu
I'm Yukie. I graduated senior high school with a CSS strand. Singing, partial programming knowledge, audio editing, and playing keyboard are my skills.


cesar verastegui metalalchemist
me encanta la informática y creo que la accesibilidad debe ser una obligación y no un derecho. actualmente estoy aprendiendo python pero también se javascript.

cesar's worspace

Falk Rismansanj z1tr0t3c
Programmierer, Linux-Distributor, Blogger... Founder of @zitrotec

Hessisches Polizeipräsidium für Technik (HPT) Marburg

Felix Steindorff FelixSteindorff
I am currently a software developer in training.


Nathaniel Schmidt njsch
Primary interest: software dev. Orgs: @eduvis & @latex-access.

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia