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Rapid DR Infrastructure Deployment


Project Overview 1

Pre-requisites 2

Getting Started 4

Modules 6

VCN Module 6

SDDC Network and Security Modules 9

SDDC Cluster Module 13

Deploy 14

Advanced Modifications 16

Project Overview

Cloud targets are often considered to support DR infrastructure for several reasons. To start, many companies are operating entire datacenters housing idle resources with a sole purpose of recovering Mission Critical workloads in the event of a disaster, often increasing their infrastructure footprint by > 50%. This design not only increases Capital and Operating Expenses, but also introduces an added burden on teams charged with maintaining additional datacenters, in many casses, with disparate hardware.

As companies are venturing into DR, or revamping existing DR designs, cloud is commonly considered as a viable alternative to costly and burdensome DR designs. With a Cloud DR endpoint, there’s no longer a need to pay for unused resources, modern hardware is available on demand with most ongoing maintenance and lifecycle management handled by the cloud vendor.

So why are we not seeing a mass exodus from traditional on-prem DR architectures to the cloud? While not all-inclusive, a few common concerns often arise in Cloud DR conversations. First, Cloud resources are not infinite. In the rare event of a mass outage in a populated region, resources may be consumed quickly, and it is possible resources could be fully allocated to other consumers. Secondly, many Cloud DR prospects are in the early phases of their cloud journey and see the learning curve for cloud adoption too steep, especially if the sole purpose is DR when hands on experience may only occur every few months. Lastly, a shift to cloud DR can introduce the need to rearchitect or replace existing DR processes, which may be a barrier to Cloud DR initiatives.

These points are valid and there are pros and cons to weigh as Cloud DR is evaluated. However, the goal of this project is to mitigate these areas of concern with a standardized framework for the automated buildout of a DR environment based on Open Source Terraform. Using IaC to create a known good DR architecture, not only provides flexible deployment options to overcome regional resource constraints, but also allows users to update and test their intended DR architectural state as needed. Furthermore, it may be possible to only incur costs during testing periods or outages, when DR infrastructure is in use.


This project leverages Open Source Solutions to provide Infrastructure as Code (IaC) automation capabilities to architect a robust DR infrastructure in a logical phased approach. The goal is to provide flexible architecture options to support a wide array of recovery methods, from the recovery of workloads to native OCI instances to entire Software Defined Data Centers (SDDCs) running native VMware vSphere.

Using IaC techniques allows cloud architectures to be designed in advance and easily customized as DR needs evolve. Leveraging IaC to package a standardized architecture provides flexibly in infrastructure placement allowing for rapid deployment to any region with available resources.


For the project to function as expected, there are a few items that need to be in place before proceeding. Please note, there are commonalities within these steps, and you may encounter overlap.

Setup OCI Terraform – the steps outlined in this link cover the following key tasks. Open this link -> (

Section - “Before You Begin”

  • Establish an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure account – it’s recommended to review the “Setting Up Your Tenancy” section of this link to create additional users and compartments to avoid the use of the Root Compartment and Administrator Account.

Section - “1. Prepare”

  • Install Terraform – For the purpose of this exercise it is recommended to install Terraform to a local MacOS, Linux, or Windows machine. MacOS is not covered well, so commands are outlined below.


/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

brew tap hashicorp/tap

brew install hashicorp/tap/terraform

  • Create RSA Keys (API Signing) – Note these are API keys, which are different from the RSA keys commonly used for SSH access. SSH access keys are addressed in the following section. The typical naming conventions for this key set are oci_api_key.pem and oci_api_key_public.pem

Oracle Linux Sample Commands:

mkdir ~/.oci

openssl genrsa -out ~/.oci/oci_api_key.pem 2048

chmod 600 ~/.oci/oci_api_key.pem

openssl rsa -pubout -in ~/.oci/oci_api_key.pem -out ~/.oci/oci_api_key_public.pem

cat ~/.oci/oci_api_key_public.pem

Add the public key to your user account.

  1. From your user avatar, go to User Settings.

  2. Click API Keys.

  3. Click Add Public Key.

  4. Select Paste Public Keys.

  5. Paste value from previous step, including the lines with BEGIN PUBLIC KEY and END PUBLIC KEY

  6. Click Add.

You have now set up the RSA keys to connect to your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure account.

Oracle Linux Sample Command:


(press enter to confirm default .ssh directory and file name of id_rsa)

(Create a passphrase, or press enter twice to bypass. Best Practice for a production environment would be to use a secure passphrase)

cd .ssh


(two files, a private key*:* “id_rsa” and a public key “” should now reside in the directory*)*

  • Add List Policy – Required if users outside of the Administrators Group require the use of Terraform

  • Gather Required Information – Use the template below to store your data for later use. If no compartments exist, use the Tenancy OCID to designate the root compartment. The Region variable will be used directly in our script and can be left out of the exercise. The file locations listed are applicable to the key generation process outlined above, so there may be no need for altercation of those fields.

Where to find Tenancy and User OCID -




fingerprint= “12:34:56:78:90:ab……….”


ssh_public_key=$(cat ~/.ssh/


  • The additional steps outlined in the linked documentation for this section can be skipped. Continue with the remaining requirements below.

(Optional) Prepare Object Storage – Terraform stores configuration states in plain text format, including sensitive fields like usernames and passwords. It is a best practice to configure remote state files to be stored in a secure location. In addition to enhanced security, using Terraform remote state allows for shared access to Terraform configurations.

Install git -

Getting Started

With the pre-requisites in place, it’s time to download the project files.

git clone dr-vcn

cd dr-vcn

cp terraform.tfvars.example terraform.tfvars

Environment variables

It’s common to export required authentication values as Environment Variables to enhance security by avoiding the inclusion of sensitive values in your code. For testing purposes each Environment Variable may be individually entered using the export command below. However, each variable will need to be reloaded anytime the console session is restarted. For persistence, copy all variables just as they are listed below to your local .bash_profile, or .bashrc profile and they will be reloaded as Environment Variables each time the console is launched. Note, you will need to reload your console after adding to your profile. To access the Environment Variables currently loaded, type env at the command prompt.

From the directory where the Terraform project was copied, open the file terraform.tfvars with your preferred text editor

cat terraform.tfvars

Near the top of the file, there is a section labeled Expected Environment Variables. Copy the fields, minus the hash #, and customize with your unique values recorded in the pre-requisites section. It’s not recommended to include these values in the terraform.tfvars file.


export TF_VAR_tenancy_ocid=ocid1.tenancy.oc1..aaaaaaaarjmezr............

export TF_VAR_compartment_ocid=ocid1.compartment.oc1..aaaaaaaak6k332............

export TF_VAR_user_ocid=ocid1.user.oc1..aaaaaaaagproszim............

export TF_VAR_fingerprint=12:34:56:78:90:ab……….

export TF_VAR_private_key_path="~/.oci/oci_api_key.pem"

export TF_VAR_ssh_public_key=$(cat ~/.ssh/

export TF_VAR_ssh_private_key_path="~/.ssh/id_rsa"

The completed fields can be individually entered and loaded as system Environment Variables which will be deleted anytime the console is closed, or manually added to the .bash_profile or bashrc files and reloaded each time a new session is launched.

Oracle Linux Sample Commands:

sudo nano /etc/bashrc

source .bashrc


The env command will load your local Environment variables. Check to ensure they match what was entered in the profile. If there is a discrepancy, try adding, or removing, the quotes surrounding the stated values, e.g., tenancy_ocid, compartment_ocid, user_ocid, fingerprint. Some Linux distributions handle these entries differently.

Return project directory and edit the terraform.tfvars file to match your target region

nano terraform.tfvars

Run the following commands

terraform init

terraform plan

If our pre-requisites are successful, the terraform plan command should generate a list of objects to be created in the environment. In the next section we will review the customization options available within the modules. No resources will be deployed unless the command “terraform apply” is also run, which may incur unexpected costs.

***Caution*** If ”terraform apply” is initiated and the sddc_enabled field equals “true” the workflow will deploy an Oracle Cloud VMware Solution SDDC with a minimum billing fee of, 3x SDDC Hosts with 8hours of usage. For more info please follow this link (


This project is divided into various modules that build upon each other to provide flexible options to support the desired end state. A high-level overview featuring the resources created with each model is included below. The customizations for each module are controlled from the terraform.tfvars file located in the project root directory and inputs at supplied to Modules from the file. For basic functionality, there should be no need to alter any files outside of terraform.tfvars, however, some advanced use cases may require additional customizations to the modules themselves, which will be explored further along in this guide as each module is broken down.

VCN Modules

SDDC Modules

  • SDDC Networks – Provisions networks required to support SDDC Cluster and a Route Table for SDDC communications

  • SDDC Security – Creates Security Lists and Network Security groups for SDDC networks, with an option for hardened networks

  • SDDC Cluster – Instantiates SDDC Cluster consisting of vSphere Ent+, VSAN and NSX along with one NSX workload segment

VCN Module


As the name suggest, the modules combined create a Virtual Cloud Network (VCN) and the common resources required for base functionality. It’s also possible to apply the entire Terraform plan with only the VCN modules activated. The additional modules are controlled with feature flags within the terraform.tfvars file.


By default, the VNC Module deploys a common cloud footprint as described below.

VCN Diagram

VCN Resources

Virtual Cloud Network (VCN) - A virtual, private network that closely resembles a traditional network, with firewall rules and specific types of communication gateways.

Internet Gateway – Virtual Router for direct internet access.

NAT Gateway – Virtual Router to provide cloud resources access to the internet without exposing those resources to incoming internet connection.

Service Gateway - Virtual Router to provide a path for private network traffic to Oracle Cloud Services (examples: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage and Autonomous Database).

Dynamic Routing Gateway (optional) - A virtual router that provides a path for private network traffic between your VCN and your existing network. You use it with other Networking Service components to create an IPSec VPN or a connection that uses Oracle Cloud Infrastructure FastConnect.

Network Resources

Internal Subnet – Regional Private Subnet limited to private IPs and outbound Internet connectivity through the NAT Gateway. Default /24 CIDR block assigned from VCN CIDR.

Bastion Subnet – Regional Public Subnet that allows for direct internet connectivity using public IPs and Internet Gateway. Default /24 CIDR block assigned from VCN CIDR.

Internal Route Table – Route table assigned to private subnet containing default route to NAT Gateway for internet access and route to OCI Services through Service Gateway.

Bastion Route Table – Route Table assigned to Bastion Subnet with default route to Internet Gateway.

Security Lists - A security list acts as a virtual firewall for an instance, with ingress and egress rules that specify the types of traffic allowed in and out. Security lists are configured at the subnet level and enforced at the VNIC level, which means that all VNICs in each subnet are subject to the same set of security lists. The security lists apply to a given VNIC whether it's communicating with another instance in the VCN or a host outside the VCN. The Security Lists created by the VCN Module are outlined below:

  • Global Security List – Security list designed to allow all egress traffic and limit ingress traffic to ICMP only.

  • Bastion Security List – Security list designed for external access control. By default, it is limited to accept ingress SSH and RDP traffic only and applied to the external subnet.

  • Internal Security List – Security List designed for internal access control. By default, all traffic from VCN and Workload CIDR blocks are allowed. Note – Workload CIDR value is located within the SDDC Cluster Details section of Terraform.tfvars file.

  • Default Security List – Default resource created with VCN. Not in use.

Compute Resources

Bastion Host – Bastions let authorized users connect from specific IP addresses to target resources using Secure Shell (SSH) sessions. When connected, users can interact with the target resource by using any software or protocol supported by SSH. For example, you can use the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) to connect to a Windows host, or use Oracle Net Services to connect to a database. More information (

Default Bastion Configuration:

Shape - VM.Standard.E3.Flex, 1 OCPUs, 4GB RAM

OS – Oracle-Linux

Windows Server – Jump host for internal access to VCN resources primarily accessed by creating an SHH tunnel through Bastian Host. Upon completion of VCN Module workflow, a Linux SSH tunnel command is provided. More options are available and outlined in the Bastian whitepaper referenced above.

Default Windows Configuration:

Shape - VM.Standard.E3.Flex, 2 OCPUs, 32GB RAM

OS – Windows-Server-2019-Standard-Edition-VM-E3-2021.02.13-0


The VCN Module includes the following customizable input variables in the Terraform.tfvars file.

region – This field indicates the geographical location for the placement of the VCN. Some regions provide added redundancy by locating multiple data centers within the Region referred to as Availability Domains (AD). Given compute resources are often collocated within the same AD and not all regions include multiple ADs, a default has been is set so AD1 is always selected.

vcn_name – (Updateable) - A user-friendly name applied to the VCN resources. It does not have to be unique, and it's changeable. Avoid entering confidential information.

vcn_dns_label - A DNS label for the VCN, used in conjunction with the VNIC's hostname and subnet's DNS label to form a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) for each VNIC within this subnet (for example, Not required to be unique, but it's a best practice to set unique DNS labels for VCNs in your tenancy. Must be an alphanumeric string that begins with a letter. The value cannot be changed.

vcn_cidr – The CIDR block assign to the VCN in which all networks will be derived. The minimum CIDR size supported is /20 and the module are designed to only support a /20 entry. The /20 network will be halved with the bottom range /21 supporting native VCN resources and the upper /21 range assigned to the SDDC where it is split into multiple SDDC supporting networks. The value should not overlap with your on-premise networks if any site pairing is required. The value cannot be changed.

Label_prefix - (optional) If any value other than "none", the prefix value is added to naming of all resources. This field can be useful in situations when naming conventions match between sites and there is a need to easily distinguish each site. The value cannot be changed

Freeform_tags - (Updatable) Free-form tags that are applied to all resources deployed by Terraform. Each tag is a simple key-value pair that can be customized to any key-value pair.

***Caution*** If ”terraform apply” is initiated and the sddc_enabled field equals “true” the workflow will deploy an Oracle Cloud VMware Solution SDDC with a minimum billing fee of, 3x SDDC Hosts with 8hours of usage. For more info please follow this link (

SDDC Network and Security Modules


The SDDC Network and Security Modules create the networks required to support an OCVS VMware SDDC. This capability is offered separately from the SDDC Cluster module to allow for network customization and testing without the need for cluster deployment to allow for routine testing of networking without incurring the added costs of an SDDC.


The SDDC Network and Security Module builds upon the VCN Module architecture by including the additional cloud components as described below.

Network Diagram

Network Resources

SDDC-Provisioning Regional Subnet – Network for ESXi Host management.

NSX Edge VTEP Regional VLAN - Used for data plane traffic between the ESXi host and NSX Edge.

NSX VTEP Regional VLAN - Used for data plane traffic between ESXi hosts.

vMotion Regional VLAN - Used for vMotion (VMware migration tool) management and workload.

VSAN Regional VLAN - Used for VSAN (VMware storage) data traffic.

Replication Regional VLAN - Used for the vSphere Replication engine. (VMware version 7.x only)

Provisioning Regional VLAN - Used for virtual machine cold migration, cloning, and snapshot migration.

NSX Edge Uplink 1 Regional VLAN - Uplink used for communication between the VMware SDDC and Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.

NSX Edge Uplink 2 Regional VLAN- Reserved for future use to deploy public-facing applications on the VMware SDDC.

HCX Regional VLAN (optional) - Used for HCX traffic. Create this VLAN if you plan to enable HCX when you provision the SDDC.

vSphere Regional VLAN - Used for management of the SDDC components (ESXi, vCenter, NSX-T, and NSX Edge).

SDDC Internal Route Table (sddc-internal) - Route table assigned to select SDDC networks with a single default NAT Gateway route.

Security Resources

SDDC Internal Security List (sddc-internal) – Security list assigned to SDDC Provisioning Subnet.

Network security groups (NSGs) act as a virtual firewall for your Compute instances and other kinds of resources. An NSG consists of a set of ingress and egress security rules that apply only to a set of VNICs of your choice in a single VCN (for example: all the Compute instances that act as web servers in the web tier of a multi-tier application in your VCN). The following NSGs are created:

NSX-Edge-VTEP-NSG – NSG assigned to vNICs on NSX Edge VTEP VLAN


vMotion-NSG - NSG assigned to vNICs on vMotion VLAN

VSAN-NSG - NSG assigned to vNICs on VSAN VLAN

Replication-NSG - NSG assigned to vNICs on Replication VLAN

Provisioning-NSG - NSG assigned to vNICs on Provisioning VLAN

NSX-Edge-Uplink-NSG - NSG assigned to vNICs on NSX Edge Uplink 1&2 VLANs

HCX-NSG (optional) - NSG assigned to vNICs on HCX VLAN

vSphere-NSG - NSG assigned to vNICs on vSphere VLAN

For additional information regarding OCVS NSG Security, please visit -


The SDDC Network and Security Modules include the following customizable input variables in the Terraform.tfvars file.

sddc_network_enabled - dictates whether the SDDC Network resources will be deployed. If “true”, networks will be included as part of the workflow, otherwise only the VCN Module will be deployed.

sddc_network_hardened – dictates the level of security applied to SDDC Network Security Groups. The following values are available:

true – All SDDC NSGs will include the default security rules outlined in the OCVS documentation -

false –SDDC NSGs below will only include the following less restrictive stateful rules:

NSG Diagram

***Caution*** If ”terraform apply” is initiated and the sddc_enabled field equals “true” the workflow will deploy an Oracle Cloud VMware Solution SDDC with a minimum billing fee of, 3x SDDC Hosts with 8hours of usage. For more info please follow this link (

SDDC Cluster Module


The SDDC Cluster Module uses the infrastructure created in the previous modules as a framework to support an Oracle Cloud VMware Solution (OCVS) SDDC. Cluster buildout is offered separately from the previous modules to allow for periodic design updates and testing without the need for cluster deployment.


The SDDC Cluster Module builds upon the architecture created in the previous modules by including the additional cloud components as described below.

Cluster Diagram

Compute Resources

Oracle Cloud VMware Solution SDDC – VMware cluster consisting of vSphere Ent+, VSAN, and NSX-T installed on a minimum of 3 Bare Metal Instances

Bare Metal Instances – Minimum of 3 BM.DenseIO2.52 Compute instances. Each instance includes 52 OCPUs, 768GB RAM and ~51TB RAW NVMe storage

SDDC Management Appliances – Virtual appliances required for SDDC operations.

For additional information regarding Oracle Cloud VMware Solution, please visit -


The SDDC Cluster Module includes the following customizable input variables in the Terraform.tfvars file.

sddc_enabled - dictates whether the SDDC resources will be deployed. If “true”, an OCVS SDDC will be deployed on a minimum of 3 Bare Metal Instances.

sddc_display_name – friendly name assigned to OCVS SDDC

esxi_hosts_count – quantity of Bare Metal Instances deployed for cluster resources. Minimum value 3, recommended maximum 16. *** Important*** changing host count following the initial SDDC deployment will result in deletion and recreation of entire cluster including data.

vmware_software_version – version of VMmare SDDC Software deployed to cluster. Example vSphere 6.x, 7.x. *** Important*** Changing SW Version following the initial SDDC deployment will result in deletion and recreation of entire cluster including data.

initial_sku - term length of initial deployment

is_hcx_enabled – dictates whether HCX Appliance, Networks and Security Rules are deployed

workload_network_cidr – CIDR range of initial NSX-T segment. Additional segments will need to be manually created at this time. Additional modules are road mapped for SDDC Segment creation.

For additional information regarding Oracle Cloud VMware Solution, please visit -


The VCN Module is the Base Module for this project and runs by default without an option to disable the workflow. The additional modules have flags that dictate whether they are included in the workflow. It’s recommended to review the inputs outlined in the terraform.tfvars file for accuracy before initiating any workflows.

  • SDDC Network and Security Modules are activated when the terraform.tfvars sddc_network_enabeled value equals “true” and the level of security is dictated by the value of sddc_network_hardened.

  • SDDC Cluster Module is activated when the terraform.tfvars sddc_network_enabeled and sddc_enabled values both equal “true”.

***IMPORTANT NOTE*** If the sddc_enabled field equals “true” the workflow will deploy an Oracle Cloud VMware Solution SDDC with a minimum billing fee of, 3x SDDC Hosts with 8hours of usage. For more info please follow this link (

After reviewing the terraform.tfvars file for accuracy, proceed with the with the following commands from the root directory of the project.

terraform init

terraform plan

Important - Review the output from the terraform plan command for accuracy. If acceptable, proceed with issuing the following command to deploy the resources outlined in the output.

terraform apply

Once complete, an output section will be displayed with a summary of the deployment. This project is meant to be iterative with each module building on the next without the need redeploy the entire infrastructure as each module is introduced. As changes are made to the terraform.tfvars file, terraform init/plan can be reissued and a summary of changes to the existing deployment will be outline in the plan section.

Changes are designated with prefixes ( ~ , +, - , -/+) appended to each resource to designate the action that will be taken to implement the new infrastructure. It’s possible a minor change to a filed could result in the forced destruction of the original resource before it is recreated to reflect the new configuration. Please review the links below to learn more.

Learn more about Terraform provisioning commands -

Learn how Terraform handles changes to deployed infrastructure -

Understand what input values for Terraform Deployed resources are updateable, or may trigger a destroy and replace action -

Advanced Modifications

Modify Route Tables

Oracle Cloud VMware Solution deploys a pair of NSX Edge node appliances that act a security boundary between the SDDC and VCN. For external traffic to properly route to the NSX-T segments within the SDDC, a route must be created with a destination of the NSX VIP.

The Oracle Cloud Terraform provider has a limitation that prevents the update of route tables after initial deployment. Fortunately, there is a publicly available utility that provides a workaround.

Note - Oracle QuickStart policy does not allow for the usage of Python within a QuickStart Project, however, the project can be manually updated by the end user. This section outlines the steps needed to update an OCI Route Table Post deployment using a simple utility, ORTU -

ORTU requires Python as a pre-requisite.

Install OCI CLI / Python – Two options, a QuickStart and Manual installation are available here. . Be sure to complete the final step near the bottom of the page “Setting up the config file”, by running oci setup config command. The entries needed were recorded in the Setup OCI Terraform section of this guide. When asked for the location of the API signing Key, it’s listed as the private_key_path above if you followed the guidance provided in this guide.

ORTU is triggered using a Terraform null resource provisioner. The inputs required for routing to the initial NSX-T segments are already included in the project, along with sample code located in the modules directory modules/sddc/cluster/ . If additional segments are added post deployment, the route table and security rules will require additonal modification.