Thank you for considering contributing. You'll find below useful information about how to contribute to the project.
- Install and run the latest version of Docker
- Verify your Go version (>= 1.11)
- Fork this repository
- Clone it outside of your
(we're using Go modules)
Create your feature branch:
git clone # or git fetch
git checkout -b my-new-feature origin/master
Commit your changes (we're using Conventional Commits):
git commit -am "type: description"
Push to the branch:
git push origin my-new-feature
See Your recently pushed branches
on page Pull requests.
Run all tests:
make codequality
# or
make run-in-docker cmd="make codequality"
Your issue or feature request may already be reported! Please search on the issue tracker before creating one.
If you do not find any relevant issue or feature request, feel free to add a new one!