Returns the profile identifier.
(String | Number): Profile id, which can be given with a string or a number. Notice that a numbered string will be recognized as a number, e.g. '128' is equal to 128.
- (Object | Undefined): Returns an item of
{ key: 'sampleId', value: 1234 }
, otherwise returnsundefined
if not found.
defs.profile('HA'); // { key: 'HA', value: 260 }
defs.profile('260'); // { key: 'HA', value: 260 }
defs.profile(260); // { key: 'HA', value: 260 }
defs.profile('no_such_profile'); // undefined
Returns the cluster identifier.
(String | Number): Cluster id, which can be given with a string or a number. Notice that a numbered string will be recognized as a number, e.g. '128' is equal to 128.
- (Object | Undefined): Returns an item of
{ key: 'sampleId', value: 1234 }
, otherwise returnsundefined
if not found.
defs.cluster('genAlarms'); // { key: 'genAlarms', value: 9 }
defs.cluster('9'); // { key: 'genAlarms', value: 9 }
defs.cluster(9); // { key: 'genAlarms', value: 9 }
defs.cluster('no_such_cluster'); // undefined
Returns the device identifier under the specified profile.
(String | Number): Profile id, which can be given with a string or a number. A numbered string like '128' will be recognized as a number 128.devId
(String | Number): Device id, which can be given with a string or a number. A numbered string like '128' will be recognized as a number 128.
- (Object | Undefined): Returns an item of
{ key: 'sampleId', value: 1234 }
, otherwise returnsundefined
if not found.
defs.device('HA', 'simpleSensor'); // { key: 'simpleSensor', value: 12 }
defs.device('260', '12'); // { key: 'simpleSensor', value: 12 }
defs.device(260, 12); // { key: 'simpleSensor', value: 12 }
defs.device('no_such_profile', 12); // undefined
defs.device('HA', 'no_such_device'); // undefined
Returns the foundation command identifier.
(String | Number): Command id, which can be given with a string or a number. A numbered string like '128' will be recognized as a number 128.
- (Object | Undefined): Returns an item of
{ key: 'sampleId', value: 1234 }
, otherwise returnsundefined
if not found.
Examples:'write'); // { key: 'write', value: 2 }'2'); // { key: 'write', value: 2 }; // { key: 'write', value: 2 }'invalid_cmd'); // undefined
Returns the functional command identifier under the specified cluster.
(String | Number): Cluster id, which can be given with a string or a number. A numbered string like '128' will be recognized as a number 128.cmdId
(String | Number): Command id, which can be given with a string or a number. A numbered string like '128' will be recognized as a number 128.
- (Object | Undefined): Returns an item of
{ key: 'sampleId', value: 1234 }
, otherwise returnsundefined
if not found.
defs.functional('genBasic', 'resetFactDefault'); // { key: 'resetFactDefault', value: 0 }
defs.functional('0', '0'); // { key: 'resetFactDefault', value: 0 }
defs.functional(0, 0); // { key: 'resetFactDefault', value: 0 }
defs.functional('no_such_cluster', 'resetFactDefault'); // undefined
defs.functional('genBasic', 'invalid_cmd'); // undefined
Returns the identifier of functional command response under the specified cluster.
(String | Number): Cluster id, which can be given with a string or a number. A numbered string like '128' will be recognized as a number 128.rspId
(String | Number): Response id, which can be given with a string or a number. A numbered string like '128' will be recognized as a number 128.
- (Object | Undefined): Returns an item of
{ key: 'sampleId', value: 1234 }
, otherwise returnsundefined
if not found.
defs.getCmdRsp('genAlarms', 'alarm'); // { key: 'alarm', value: 0 }
defs.getCmdRsp('9', '0'); // { key: 'alarm', value: 0 }
defs.getCmdRsp(9, 0); // { key: 'alarm', value: 0 }
defs.getCmdRsp('no_such_cluster', 'alarm'); // undefined
defs.getCmdRsp('genAlarms', 'invalid_cmd'); // undefined
Returns the attribute identifier under the specified cluster.
(String | Number): Cluster id, which can be given with a string or a number. A numbered string like '128' will be recognized as a number 128.attrId
(String | Number): Attribute id, which can be given with a string or a number. A numbered string like '128' will be recognized as a number 128.
- (Object | Undefined): Returns an item of
{ key: 'sampleId', value: 1234 }
, otherwise returnsundefined
if not found.
defs.attr('genBasic', 'hwVersion'); // { key: 'hwVersion', value: 3 }
defs.attr('0', '3'); // { key: 'hwVersion', value: 3 }
defs.attr(0, 3); // { key: 'hwVersion', value: 3 }
defs.attr('no_such_cluster', 'hwVersion'); // undefined
defs.attr('genBasic', 'no_such_attr'); // undefined
Returns the attribute data type identifier under the specified cluster.
(String | Number): Cluster id, which can be given with a string or a number. A numbered string like '128' will be recognized as a number 128.attrId
(String | Number): Attribute id, which can be given with a string or a number. A numbered string like '128' will be recognized as a number 128.
- (Object | Undefined): Returns an item of
{ key: 'sampleId', value: 1234 }
, otherwise returnsundefined
if not found.
defs.attrType('genBasic', 'appVersion'); // { key: 'uint8', value: 32 }
defs.attrType('0', '1'); // { key: 'uint8', value: 32 }
defs.attrType(0, 1); // { key: 'uint8', value: 32 }
defs.attrType('no_such_cluster', 'appVersion'); // undefined
defs.attrType('genBasic', 'no_such_attr'); // undefined
Returns the data type identifier.
(String | Number): Data type, which can be given with a string or a number. A numbered string like '128' will be recognized as a number 128.
- (Object | Undefined): Returns an item of
{ key: 'sampleId', value: 1234 }
, otherwise returnsundefined
if not found.
defs.dataType('uint16'); // { key: 'uint16', value: 33 }
defs.dataType('33'); // { key: 'uint16', value: 33 }
defs.dataType(33); // { key: 'uint16', value: 33 }
defs.dataType('invalid_data_type'); // undefined
Returns the status identifier.
(String | Number): Cluster id, which can be given with a string or a number. A numbered string like '128' will be recognized as a number 128.
- (Object | Undefined): Returns an item of
{ key: 'sampleId', value: 1234 }
, otherwise returnsundefined
if not found.
defs.status('invalidField'); // { key: 'invalidField', value: 133 }
defs.status('133'); // { key: 'invalidField', value: 133 }
defs.status(133); // { key: 'invalidField', value: 133 }
defs.status('invalid_status'); // undefined
Returns all possible attributes within a cluster.
(String | Number): Status, which can be given with a string or a number. A numbered string like '128' will be recognized as a number 128.
- (Array | Undefined): Returns an array with each element in the shape of
{ attrId: 2, dataType: 41 }
, otherwise returnsundefined
if not found.
{ attrId: 0, dataType: 41 },
{ attrId: 1, dataType: 41 },
{ attrId: 2, dataType: 41 },
{ attrId: 3, dataType: 33 },
{ attrId: 16, dataType: 24 },
{ attrId: 17, dataType: 41 },
{ attrId: 18, dataType: 41 },
{ attrId: 19, dataType: 34 },
{ attrId: 20, dataType: 34 }
{ attrId: 0, dataType: 41 },
{ attrId: 1, dataType: 41 },
{ attrId: 2, dataType: 41 },
{ attrId: 3, dataType: 33 },
{ attrId: 16, dataType: 24 },
{ attrId: 17, dataType: 41 },
{ attrId: 18, dataType: 41 },
{ attrId: 19, dataType: 34 },
{ attrId: 20, dataType: 34 }
defs.attrList('invalid_cluster'); // undefined
"HA": 260, // ZigBee Home Automation
"BA": 261, // ZigBee Building Automation
"TS": 263, // ZigBee Telecom Services
"HC": 264, // ZigBee Health Care
"SE": 265, // ZigBee Smart Energy
"RS": 266, // ZigBee Retail Services
"LL": 49246 // ZigBee Light Link
"onOffSwitch": 0,
"levelControlSwitch": 1,
"onOffOutput": 2,
"levelControllableOutput": 3,
"sceneSelector": 4,
"configurationTool": 5,
"remoteControl": 6,
"combinedInterface": 7,
"rangeExtender": 8,
"mainsPowerOutlet": 9,
"doorLock": 10,
"doorLockController": 11,
"simpleSensor": 12,
"consumptionAwarenessDevice": 13,
"homeGateway": 80,
"smartPlug": 81,
"whiteGoods": 82,
"meterInterface": 83,
"testDevice": 255,
"onOffLight": 256,
"dimmableLight": 257,
"coloredDimmableLight": 258,
"onOffLightSwitch": 259,
"dimmerSwitch": 260,
"colorDimmerSwitch": 261,
"lightSensor": 262,
"occupancySensor": 263,
"shade": 512,
"shadeController": 513,
"windowCoveringDevice": 514,
"windowCoveringController": 515,
"heatingCoolingUnit": 768,
"thermostat": 769,
"temperatureSensor": 770,
"pump": 771,
"pumpController": 772,
"pressureSensor": 773,
"flowSensor": 774,
"miniSplitAc": 775,
"iasControlIndicatingEquipment": 1024,
"iasAncillaryControlEquipment": 1025,
"iasZone": 1026,
"iasWarningDevice": 1027
"genBasic": 0,
"genPowerCfg": 1,
"genDeviceTempCfg": 2,
"genIdentify": 3,
"genGroups": 4,
"genScenes": 5,
"genOnOff": 6,
"genOnOffSwitchCfg": 7,
"genLevelCtrl": 8,
"genAlarms": 9,
"genTime": 10,
"genRssiLocation": 11,
"genAnalogInput": 12,
"genAnalogOutput": 13,
"genAnalogValue": 14,
"genBinaryInput": 15,
"genBinaryOutput": 16,
"genBinaryValue": 17,
"genMultistateInput": 18,
"genMultistateOutput": 19,
"genMultistateValue": 20,
"genCommissioning": 21,
"genPartition": 22,
"genOta": 25,
"genPowerProfile": 26,
"genApplianceCtrl": 27,
"genPollCtrl": 32,
"genGreenPowerProxy": 33,
"closuresShadeCfg": 256,
"closuresDoorLock": 257,
"closuresWindowCovering": 258,
"hvacPumpCfgCtrl": 512,
"hvacThermostat": 513,
"hvacFanCtrl": 514,
"hvacDehumidificationCtrl": 515,
"hvacUserInterfaceCfg": 516,
"lightingColorCtrl": 768,
"lightingBallastCfg": 769,
"msIlluminanceMeasurement": 1024,
"msIlluminanceLevelSensing": 1025,
"msTemperatureMeasurement": 1026,
"msPressureMeasurement": 1027,
"msFlowMeasurement": 1028,
"msRelativeHumidity": 1029,
"msOccupancySensing": 1030,
"ssIasZone": 1280,
"ssIasAce": 1281,
"ssIasWd": 1282,
"piGenericTunnel": 1536,
"piBacnetProtocolTunnel": 1537,
"piAnalogInputReg": 1538,
"piAnalogInputExt": 1539,
"piAnalogOutputReg": 1540,
"piAnalogOutputExt": 1541,
"piAnalogValueReg": 1542,
"piAnalogValueExt": 1543,
"piBinaryInputReg": 1544,
"piBinaryInputExt": 1545,
"piBinaryOutputReg": 1546,
"piBinaryOutputExt": 1547,
"piBinaryValueReg": 1548,
"piBinaryValueExt": 1549,
"piMultistateInputReg": 1550,
"piMultistateInputExt": 1551,
"piMultistateOutputReg": 1552,
"piMultistateOutputExt": 1553,
"piMultistateValueReg": 1554,
"piMultistateValueExt": 1555,
"pi11073ProtocolTunnel": 1556,
"sePrice": 1792,
"seDrlc": 1793,
"seMetering": 1794,
"seMessaging": 1795,
"seTunneling": 1796,
"sePrepayment": 1797,
"seEnergyMgmt": 1798,
"seCalendar": 1799,
"seDeviceMgmt": 1800,
"seEvents": 1801,
"seMduPairing": 1802,
"seKeyEstablishment": 2048,
"haApplianceIdentification": 2816,
"haMeterIdentification": 2817,
"haApplianceEventsAlerts": 2818,
"haApplianceStatistics": 2819,
"haElectricalMeasurement": 2820,
"haDiagnostic": 2821,
"lightLink": 4096,
"manuSpecificCluster": 65535
"noData": 0,
"data8": 8,
"data16": 9,
"data24": 10,
"data32": 11,
"data40": 12,
"data48": 13,
"data56": 14,
"data64": 15,
"boolean": 16,
"bitmap8": 24,
"bitmap16": 25,
"bitmap24": 26,
"bitmap32": 27,
"bitmap40": 28,
"bitmap48": 29,
"bitmap56": 30,
"bitmap64": 31,
"uint8": 32,
"uint16": 33,
"uint24": 34,
"uint32": 35,
"uint40": 36,
"uint48": 37,
"uint56": 38,
"uint64": 39,
"int8": 40,
"int16": 41,
"int24": 42,
"int32": 43,
"int40": 44,
"int48": 45,
"int56": 46,
"int64": 47,
"enum8": 48,
"enum16": 49,
"semiPrec": 56,
"singlePrec": 57,
"doublePrec": 58,
"octetStr": 65,
"charStr": 66,
"longOctetStr": 67,
"longCharStr": 68,
"array": 72,
"struct": 76,
"set": 80,
"bag": 81,
"tod": 224,
"date": 225,
"utc": 226,
"attrId": 233,
"bacOid": 234,
"ieeeAddr": 240,
"secKey": 241,
"unknown": 255
"success": 0,
"failure": 1,
"notAuthorized": 126,
"malformedCmd": 128,
"unsupClusterCmd": 129,
"unsupGeneralCmd": 130,
"unsupManuClusterCmd": 131,
"unsupManuGeneralCmd": 132,
"invalidField": 133,
"unsupAttribute": 134,
"invalidValue": 135,
"readOnly": 136,
"insufficientSpace": 137,
"duplicateExists": 138,
"notFound": 139,
"unreportableAttribute": 140,
"invalidDataType": 141,
"invalidSelector": 142,
"writeOnly": 143,
"inconsistentStartupState": 144,
"definedOutOfBand": 145,
"inconsistent": 146,
"actionDenied": 147,
"timeout": 148,
"abort": 149,
"invalidImage": 150,
"waitForData": 151,
"noImageAvailable": 152,
"requireMoreImage": 153