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Elixir programming language cheatsheet contains useful code syntax which is handy while coding.

Sample program

IO.puts "Hello, World!"
  • IO.puts : To print output data to the console
  • # : comment


Variables must be declared and assigned a value.

variable-name = value

Data types

Data type Usage Description
Numeric x = 21 Elixir supports not only integer and float values but also a number can be defined in octal, hexadecimal and binary bases.
Atom :true Atoms are constant values whose name is same as their value
Boolean : false, :true Either true or false, usually declared as atoms
Strings "Hello" Strings are enclosed in double quotes(" ") and multi line strings are enclosed in triple double quotes(""" """)
Lists ['a', 10, :true] Lists are used to store different types of values and are represented in square brackets []
Tuples {'apple', 100, :false} Similar to Lists and are represented in curly brackets {}. Tuples are good for accessing the values and lists are good for insertion and deletion of values

Reserved Keywords

after and catch do inbits true
inlist nil else end not when
or false fn in rescue xor


Operator type Description
Arithmetic Operator + , - , * , / , div, rem
comparision Operator < , > , <= , >=, !=, !==, === , ==
Bitwise Operator &&& , ^^^ , |||, ~~~, <<<, >>>
Boolean Operator and , or, not, &&, ||, !

Conditional Statements

1. If

if condition do

2. If-Else

if condition do

3. Case

case value do
  value-1 -> #code if value matches value-1
  value-2 -> #code if value matches value-2
  value-3 -> #code if value matches value-3
  _ -> #code if value does not match any of the above and is similar to default in switch


1. Unless

unless condition do

2. Unless-Else

unless condition do
  #Code if condition fails
  #Code if condition satisfies

3. Cond

cond do
  condition-1 -> #code if condition is true
  condition-2 -> #code if condition is true
  true -> #code if none of the above are true


List is a collection of data of the same or different types and are stored in memory as linked lists.

["foo", 123, true]
List Functions Description
length() returns the length of a list
++ used to concatenate two lists by adding list items
-- used to concatenate two lists by substracting list items
hd(list) to get the first element of the list
tl(list) to get last element of the list
delete(list, item) to delete an item from the list
delete_at(list, index) to delete an item at given index from the list
insert_at(list, index, value) to insert given item at specific index of a list


Tuples are collection of data of the same or different types and are stored contiguously in memory.

tuple = {:foo, :bar}
Tuple.append(tuple, :john) # appends an item to tuple


Map is a collection of key-value pairs.

map = %{1 => :one, 2 => :two, 3 => :three, 4 => :four, 5 => :five}


Function is a sub-routine which contains set of statements.

  1. Anonymous Functions:

Anonymous functions are functions with no name and they use fn..end constructs.

  1. Named functions:

Assign names to functions so that they can be called easily. Always named functions are defined in modules.

defmodule ModuleName do
  def function_name(parameter1, parameter2) do