title | description | created | updated |
Docker |
Docker Build, Ship and Run commands |
2018-10-22 |
2022-10-01 |
Building an image from Dockerfile
docker build -t app_name:1.0 .
List all images
docker images
Push docker image
docker push user_id/my_image
Run docker image
docker run -p 8001:8001 -it app_name:1.0
List all running containers
docker ps
Kill a running container
docker kill container_name/ container_id
List running containers
docker container ls
List all containers even stopped once
docker container ls -a
Start and stop a container
docker start container_name
docker stop container_name
Create a image from a running container
docker container commit container_id image_name
Delete all stopped containers
docker container prune
Get all details related to the container
docker inspect container_id
docker system prune # prune all docker resources
docker system prune -f # prune all resources with force (without prompt)
FROM ubuntu:16.04 # from base image
RUN apt-get update # execute commands
ADD local_directory /