Some errors are not specifically written in every method since they may always return. Those are:
- 401 (Unauthorized) - for unauthenticated requests.
- 405 (Method Not Allowed) - for using a method that is not supported (POST instead of GET).
- 403 (Forbidden) - request is authenticated, but the user is not allowed to access.
- 422 (Unprocessable Entity) - for invalid input.
- black - Python linter
- isort - Python import automatic sorting
- pydocstyle - Python docstring/pep-257 linting
- pycodestyle - Python code complexity / McCabe validation
- yapf - Python linter / automatic styling
- pylint - Python linter
- flake8 - Python linter
- bandit
- autopep8 - Python automatic styling/linting
- pytest - Python test module
- pytest-sugar - PyTest plugin
- pytest-isort - PyTest isort plugin
- coverage - Python Coverage module
- codecov - coverage service
- pytest-cov - PyTest coverage plugin
- mock - Python test mocking module
- responses - Python request response testing module
- twine - Python package bundling
- mypy - Python type validation