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File metadata and controls

112 lines (84 loc) · 3.17 KB

Parallel Examples

Parallel execution

import blobfile as bf
import multiprocessing as mp
import tqdm

def check_exists(path):
    return path, bf.exists(path)

def main():
    filepaths = [f"gs://my-bucket/{i}.ext" for i in range(1000)]

    with mp.Pool() as pool:
        for filepath, exists in tqdm.tqdm(pool.imap_unordered(check_exists, filepaths), total=len(filepaths)):

if __name__ == "__main__":

Parallel execution with gevent

This uses coroutines instead of processes/threads so may be faster in some cases. If you're using this, you should probably also use 1 python process per core and split your work across multiple processes.

from gevent import monkey

import tqdm
import gevent.pool
import blobfile as bf

def check_exists(path):
    return path, bf.exists(path)

def main():
    filepaths = [f"gs://my-bucket/{i}.ext" for i in range(1000)]
    pool = gevent.pool.Pool(100)
    for filepath, exists in tqdm.tqdm(pool.imap_unordered(check_exists, filepaths), total=len(filepaths)):

if __name__ == "__main__":

Parallel copytree

import blobfile as bf
import concurrent.futures
import tqdm

def _perform_op(op_tuple):
    op, src, dst = op_tuple
    if op == "copy":
        bf.copy(src, dst, overwrite=True)
    elif op == "mkdir":
        raise Exception(f"invalid op {op}")

def copytree(src, dst):
    Copy a directory tree from one location to another
    if not bf.isdir(src):
        raise NotADirectoryError(f"The directory name is invalid: '{src}'")
    assert not dst.startswith(src), "dst cannot be a subdir of src"
    if not src.endswith("/"):
        src += "/"

    with tqdm.tqdm(desc="listing") as pbar:
        ops = []
        # walk with topdown=False should be faster for nested directory trees
        for src_root, dirnames, filenames in bf.walk(src, topdown=False):
            relpath = src_root[len(src):]
            dst_root = bf.join(dst, relpath)

            if len(filenames) == 0:
                # only make empty directories, other directories will be implicitly created by copy
                ops.append(("mkdir", src_root, dst_root))

            # on GCS we can have a directory name that has the same name as a file
            # if that's the case, skip it since that's too confusing
            skip_filenames = set(dirnames)
            for filename in filenames:
                if filename in skip_filenames:
                src_path = bf.join(src_root, filename)
                dst_path = bf.join(dst_root, filename)
                ops.append(("copy", src_path, dst_path))

    with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor() as executor:
        list(tqdm.tqdm(, ops), total=len(ops), desc="copying"))

def main():
    contents = copytree("<path to source>", "<path to destination>")

if __name__ == "__main__":