Oblyk uses the very good rorvswild tool to monitor its API server. This project is a minimal installation of Ruby On Rails with the RoRVsWild Gem to collect metrics from the front and database servers and aggregate them in the monitoring back office.
- Ruby version : 3.1.2
- Rails version : 7.0.7
Note: "Deployment" is managed by pulling the 'oblyk-ror-agent' repository via git.
Note 2: The following approach works for Oblyk's servers, I'm documenting my approach so that you can get inspired. Adapt the following to your needs and environment.
Create a lightness Ruby on Rails app on your personal computer.
rails new oblyk-ror-agent --api
cd oblyk-ror-rails
Install ror-vs-wild gem Follow RoRVsWild instruction : https://github.com/BaseSecrete/rorvswild
Installing the minimum for rails to work :
- sqlite3 (
apt install sqlite3
) - ruby (preferably with rbenv? https://github.com/rbenv/rbenv) version 3.2.1 for this project (problem ? see troubleshooting 1)
- bundler
Tips : for install rbenv and bundler follow this guide : https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-ruby-on-rails-with-rbenv-on-debian-8 until gem install bundler
Clone oblyk-ror-agent on your server :
cd /path/to/your/applications
git clone https://github.com/oblyk/oblyk-ror-agent.git
Install gem
(problem ? see troubleshooting 2)
Copy local_env.example.yml
cp config/local_env.example.yml config/local_env.yml
nano config/local_env.yml
# enter your RorVsWild key
Create your config/master.key
test if it works :
RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rails s
Go to your RorVsWild back office, tab : server
Your data influx?
Run your application in background with nohup :
cd /your/app/folfer/
RAILS_ENV=production nohup bundle exec rails s &
Note : for some reason running server rails in --daemon mode does not work
Check that your app is running
ps -aux | grep puma
to kill app :
kill `cat /your/app/folfer/tmp/pids/server.pid`
If installing a ruby version takes a long time and blocks on 'install openssl ...'
Try installing libssl-dev
sudo apt-get install libssl-dev
If you get this error when installing gems :
An error occurred while installing psych (5.1.0), and Bundler cannot continue.
Try installing libyaml-dev
sudo apt-get install libyaml-dev