Polyfill Service - the lazy way
Polyfills are loaded on demand, only when they are needed π²
Initial 3Kb to polyfill a lot of Stuff!
Add this script on the top of your page:
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/nuxodin/lazyfill@1.7.14/mod.min.js"></script>
(Anything missing? Any suggestions?)
- Window
- cookieStore
- fetch
- Promise
- IntersectionObserver
- ResizeObserver
- AbortController
- URLSearchParams
- Temporal
- temporal
- customElements
- structuredClone
- URLPattern
- ReadableStream
- Sanitizer
- requestIdleCallback
- cancelIdleCallback
- WeakSet
- Element
- setHTML
- matches
- closest
- prepend
- append
- before
- after
- replaceWidth
- remove
- blur
- focus
- classList
- getElementsByClassName
- children
- toggleAttribute
- isVisible
- scrollIntoViewIfNeeded
- TypedArray
- toReversed
- toSorted
- with
- Array
- toReversed
- toSorted
- with
- toSpliced
- from
- of
- at
- copyWithin
- entries
- fill
- find
- findIndex
- findLast
- findLastIndex
- flat
- flatMap
- includes
- keys
- values
- Intl.DateTimeFormat
- formatToParts
- Intl
- DisplayNames
- ListFormat
- Locale
- PluralRules
- RelativeTimeFormat
- getCanonicalLocales
- escape
- registerProperty
- supports
- HTMLDocument
- currentScript
- caretRangeFromPoint
- Node
- contains
- isConnected
- HTMLElement
- inert
- HTMLFormElement
- reportValidity
- requestSubmit
- HTMLInputElement
- reportValidity
- HTMLSlotElement
- assignedElements
- Math
- trunc
- sign
- Navigator
- share
- Number
- isInteger
- Object
- assign
- entries
- fromEntries
- is
- values
- hasOwn
- Promise
- allSettled
- any
- withResolvers
- RegExp
- flags
- String
- fromCodePoint
- at
- codePointAt
- endsWith
- includes
- padEnd
- padStart
- repeat
- startsWith
- replaceAll
- SubmitEvent
- submitter
- SVGStyleElement
- sheet
- Crypto
- randomUUID
- addEventListener signal options
- focus options
- classList force toggle
- Element.contains(TextNode) bug
To every polyfillable property, the scripts adds a getter which synchronously loads the corresponding polyfill.
Of course, we all know that blocking xhr-requests is not nice.
Therefore, the url to the script that should be added to the page is given in the console.
Ideal for prototyping.
Let's assume that your browser does not support the function "String.prototype.at".
> ['a','b','c'].at(-1); // accessing [].at immediately loads the polyfill
> 'c'
Any help is greatly appreciated.