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executable file
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File metadata and controls

executable file
732 lines (597 loc) · 26.9 KB


The application date2name by Karl Voit et al. (source) prepends date stamps to files and folders (e.g., rename file example.txt to 2021-12-30_example.txt). By the command C-c C-v t, Emacs may use the present .org file to (re)generate a tangled test script, file for a programmatic testing by pytest. (Though pytest is not part of the Python standard library, it may be obtained easily e.g., from PyPi.) Optionally, the testing may be run by the equally tangled Makefile.


The programmatic tests are set up for pytest for Python 3. It however depends on your installation (and in case of Linux, the authors of your Linux distribution (reference)) if this utility may be started by pytest (e.g., the pattern in pytest’s manual), or by pytest-3 by either one of the pattern below:

pytest -v
pytest-3 -v

As of writing, the later pattern is the to be used e.g., in Linux Debian 12/bookworm (branch testing) to discern pytest (for contemporary Python 3) from pytest (for legacy Python 2).

The Makefile this org file provides for convenience running these tests assumes the later syntax pattern. (It might be necessary to provide the executable bit to activate the Makefile.)

Setup of Emacs

The edit of this .org file in Emacs and the subsequent export (tangle) of the files are affected by Emacs’ own parameters (e.g., the indentation in Python). It is recommended to access this file with Emacs in a session started by emacs -q & and to evaluate the following block by C-c C-c; this explicitly adjusts a few basic settings, but does not permanently overwrite an already existing personalized Emacs configuration.

Most of these instructions are elements of Hendrik Suenkler’s annotated Emacs configuration (blog post) which are reused with his permission.

;; support these languages at all:
 '((emacs-lisp . t)
   (org . t)
   (shell . t)
   (python . t)))

;; enable syntax highlighting:
(setq org-src-fontify-natively t)

;; adjust indentations, set tabs as explicit 4 spaces:
(setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil)
(setq default-tab-width 4)

(setq custom-tab-width 4)
(setq-default python-indent-offset custom-tab-width)

(setq org-edit-src-content-indentation 0)
(setq org-src-tab-acts-natively t)
(setq org-src-preserve-indentation t)

;; some comfort functions Suenkler mentions:
(delete-selection-mode 1)
(defalias 'yes-or-no-p 'y-or-n-p)

(show-paren-mode 1)
(setq show-paren-style 'parenthesis)

(column-number-mode nil)

(setq org-src-fontify-natively t)

If the previous block was evaluated as .TRUE. (t), test script and Makefile may be tangled right now by C-c C-v t. After closing this .org file, deploy them as indicated earlier.

Building the tests

Building of the Makefile

The setup is for GNU Make 4.3 as provided e.g., by Linux Debian 12 (bookworm), branch testing. Note, the Makefile tangled is a mere convenient moderator for; the eventual testing of date2name’s action does not depend on this Makefile.

# GNU Make file for the automation of pytest for date2name.
# While the test script is written for Python 3.9.2, it depends on
# your installation of pytest (and in case of Linux, the authors of
# your distribution) if pytest for Python 3 is invoked either by
# pytest, or pytest-3.  In some distributions, pytest actually may
# invoke pyest for legacy Python 2; the tests in
# however are incompatible to this.
# Put this file like in the root folder of date2name
# fetched from PyPi or GitHub.  Then run
# chmod +x *
# make ./Makefile
# to run the tests.  If you want pytest to exit the test sequence
# right after the first test failing, use the -x flag to the
# instructions on the CLI in addition to the verbosity flag to (-v).

# pytest -v     # the pattern by pytest's manual
pytest-3 -v   # the alternative pattern (e.g., Debian 12)

Building a pytest.ini

This file defines markers to assign tests into groups. This allows to run pytest on a subset rather than all tests (which is set up as the default). E.g., in presence of pytest.ini, a call like

pytest-3 -v -m "elementary"

constrains the tester’s action to all tests labeled as “elementary”. At present, tests are grouped as

  • elementary; ahead of checking date2name’s action on files or folders
  • files; checking date2name’s action on files, and
  • folders; checking date2name’s action on folders

in a first layer. Orthogonal to this, the five fixed pattern (keyword default, compact, month, withtime, or short) and the stamps’ retraction (keyword remove) may be used as mutually exclusive levels – either alone, or in combination with the keyword files or folders, e.g.

pytest-3 -m "files and default" -v

This became necessary since a reliable approach to stack the levels “files” and “folders” in this testing suite was not yet identified.

markers =
    elementary:  elementary tests ahead of action on files/folders by date2name
    files:       tests about affect by date2name on files
    folders:     tests about affect by date2name on folders

    default:     stamp pattern default, YYYY-MM-DD
    compact:     stamp pattern compact, YYYYMMDD
    month:       stamp pattern month, YYYY-MM
    short:       stamp pattern short, YYMMDD
    withtime:    stamp pattern withtime,
    remove:      stamp retraction

Building the test script

header section

#!/bin/usr/env python3

# name:
# author:
# license: GPL v3, 2021.
# date:    2021-08-30 (YYYY-MM-DD)
# edit:    2022-01-03 (YYYY-MM-DD)
"""Test pad for functions by date2name with pytest.

Written for Python 3.9.2 and pytest 6.2.4 for Python 3 as provided by
Linux Debian 12/bookworm, branch testing, this is a programmatic check
of functions offered by date2name.  Deposit this script in the root of
the folder fetched and unzipped from PyPi or GitHub.  If your system
includes both legacy Python 2 and Python 3, pytest for Python 3 likely
is named pytest-3; otherwise only pytest.  Thus, adjust your input on
the CLI accordingly when running either one of

pytest -v
pytest-3 -v

These instruction initiate a verbose testing (flag -v) reported back to the will be a verbose report to the CLI The script either stops when one of the tests fail (flag -x), or after
completion of the test sequence.  In both cases, the progress of the ongoing
tests is reported to the CLI (flag -v).

import os
import time

from datetime import datetime
from subprocess import getstatusoutput, getoutput

import pytest

PROGRAM = str("./date2name/")
TFILE = str("test_file.txt")  # the intermediate test file written
TFOLDER = str("test_folder")  # for complementary check on folders

prepare recurrently used functions

Define actions which are going to be used multiple times.

def prepare_testfile(name=TFILE):
    """The creation of the test file."""
    with open (name, mode="w") as newfile:
        newfile.write("This is the test file for")
    # adjust modification time stamp, based on
    result = os.stat(name)
    os.utime(name, (result.st_atime, result.st_mtime + 10.0))

def prepare_testfolder(name=TFOLDER):
    """Create a test folder."""
    result = os.stat(name)
    os.utime(name, (result.st_atime, result.st_mtime + 10.0))

def query_creation_time(name=TFILE):
    """Determine the time of creation of the file/folder."""
    created = os.stat(name).st_ctime
    created = str(datetime.fromtimestamp(created))
    return created

def query_modification_time(name=TFILE):
    """Determine the time when the file/folder was modified."""
    modified = os.stat(name).st_mtime
    modified = str(datetime.fromtimestamp(modified))
    return modified

set up very elementary tests

These tests do not yet modify a file, nor folder which already exist.

def test_create_remove_testfile(name=TFILE):
    """Merely check if the test file may be written and removed."""
    assert os.path.isfile(name)
    assert os.path.isfile(name) is False

def test_create_remove_testfolder(name=TFOLDER):
    """Probe the generation/removal of a test folder."""
    assert os.path.isdir(name)
    assert os.path.isdir(name) is False

def test_script_existence():
    """Merely check for the script's presence."""
    assert os.path.isfile(PROGRAM)

perform the tests on files [6/6]

These tests check the addition of a time stamp ahead of the file name.

  • [X] default pattern, i.e. prepend YYYY-MM-DD_ to file test.txt
    @pytest.mark.parametrize("arg1", [" ", "-f", "--files",
                                      "-m", "--mtime",
                                      "-c", "--ctime"])
    def test_file_pattern_default(arg1):
        """Prepend 'YYYY-MM-DD_' to the file name."""
        day = str("")
        new = str("")
        if arg1 in [" ", "-f", "--files", "-m", "--mtime"]:
            day = query_modification_time().split()[0]
        elif arg1 in ["-c", "--ctime"]:
            day = query_creation_time().split()[0]
        new = "_".join([day, TFILE])
        test = getoutput(f"python3 {PROGRAM} {TFILE} {arg1}")
        assert os.path.isfile(new)
  • [X] compact pattern, i.e. prepend YYYYMMDD_ to file test.txt. This may re-use much of the instructions used for the default pattern and only needs to drop the hyphens.
    @pytest.mark.parametrize("arg1", ["-C", "--compact",
                                      "-C -f", "--compact -f",
                                      "-C --files", "--compact --files",
                                      "-C -m", "--compact -m",
                                      "-C --mtime", "--compact --mtime",
                                      "-C -c", "--compact -c",
                                      "-C --ctime", "--compact --ctime"])
    def test_file_pattern_compact(arg1):
        """Prepend 'YYYYMMDD_' to the file name."""
        day = str("")
        new = str("")
        if arg1 in ["-C", "--compact",
                    "-C -f", "--compact -f",
                    "-C --files", "--compact --files",
                    "-C -m", "--compact -m",
                    "-C --mtime", "--compact --mtime"]:
            day = query_modification_time().split()[0]
        elif arg1 in ["-C -c", "--compact -c",
                      "-C --ctime", "--compact --ctime"]:
            day = query_creation_time().split()[0]
        # drop the hyphens in the date stamp:
        day = day.replace("-", "")
        new = "_".join([day, TFILE])
        test = getoutput(f"python3 {PROGRAM} {TFILE} {arg1}")
        assert os.path.isfile(new)
  • [X] month pattern, i.e. prepend YYYY-MM_ to file test.txt. Departing from the standard format YYYY-MM-DD, it suffices to trim off the last three characters.
    @pytest.mark.parametrize("arg1", ["-M", "--month",
                                      "-M -f", "--month -f",
                                      "-M --files", "--month --files",
                                      "-M -m", "--month -m",
                                      "-M --mtime", "--month --mtime",
                                      "-M -c", "--month -c",
                                      "-M --ctime", "--month --ctime"])
    def test_file_pattern_month(arg1):
        """Prepend 'YYYY-MM_' to the file name."""
        day = str("")
        new = str("")
        if arg1 in ["-M", "--month",
                    "-M -f", "--month -f",
                    "-M --files", "--month --files",
                    "-M -m", "--month -m",
                    "-M --mtime", "--month --mtime"]:
            day = query_modification_time().split()[0]
        elif arg1 in ["-M -c", "--month -c",
                      "-M --ctime", "--month --ctime"]:
            day = query_creation_time().split()[0]
        # trim off the last three characters in the date stamp:
        day = day[:-3]
        new = "_".join([day, TFILE])
        test = getoutput(f"python3 {PROGRAM} {TFILE} {arg1}")
        assert os.path.isfile(new)
  • [X] short pattern, i.e. prepend YYMMDD_ to file test.txt. A feature introduced to date2name by Reiner Rottmann. Related to the basic pattern, except the two first characters are truncated.
    @pytest.mark.parametrize("arg1", ["-S", "--short",
                                      "-S -f", "--short -f",
                                      "-S --files", "--short --files",
                                      "-S -m", "--short -m",
                                      "-S --mtime", "--short --mtime",
                                      "-S -c", "--short -c",
                                      "-S --ctime", "--short --ctime"])
    def test_file_pattern_short(arg1):
        """Prepend 'YYMMDD_' to the file name."""
        day = str("")
        new = str("")
        if arg1 in ["-S", "--short",
                    "-S -f", "--short -f",
                    "-S --files", "--short --files",
                    "-S -m", "--short -m",
                    "-S --mtime", "--short --mtime"]:
            day = query_modification_time().split()[0]
        elif arg1 in ["-S -c", "--short -c",
                      "-S --ctime", "--short --ctime"]:
            day = query_creation_time().split()[0]
        # drop the hyphens in the date stamp:
        day = day.replace("-", "")
        # drop the first two characters about the year (e.g., 1789 -> 89)
        day = day[2:]
        new = "_".join([day, TFILE])
        test = getoutput(f"python3 {PROGRAM} {TFILE} {arg1}")
        assert os.path.isfile(new)
  • [X] withtime pattern, i.e. prepend to file test.txt. This extends the default pattern YYYY-MM-DD.
    @pytest.mark.parametrize("arg1", ["-w -f", "-w --files",
                                      "--withtime -f", "--withtime --files",
                                      "-w -m", "-w --mtime",
                                      "--withtime -m", "--withtime --mtime",
                                      "-w -c", "-w --ctime",
                                      "--withtime -c", "--withtime --ctime"])
    def test_file_pattern_withtime(arg1):
        """Prepend '' to the file name."""
        day = str("")
        new = str("")
        if arg1 in ["-w -f", "-w --files",
                    "--withtime -f", "--withtime --files",
                    "-w -m", "-w --mtime",
                    "--withtime -m", "--withtime --mtime"]:
            day = query_modification_time().split()[0]
            second = query_modification_time().split()[1]
        elif arg1 in ["-w -c", "-w --ctime",
                      "--withtime -c", "--withtime --ctime"]:
            day = query_creation_time().split()[0]
            second = query_creation_time().split()[1]
        second = second.split(".")[0]  # use integer seconds only
        second = second.replace(":", ".")  # adjust representation
        new = "".join([day, "T", second, "_", TFILE])
        test = getoutput(f"python3 {PROGRAM} {TFILE} {arg1}")
        assert os.path.isfile(new)
  • [X] Check the retraction of the date/time stamp on files.

    Based on a pattern comparison, a file like 20210921_test.txt is renamed test.txt.

    @pytest.mark.parametrize("arg1", ["default",
                                      "compact", "month", "short",
    @pytest.mark.parametrize("arg2", ["-r", "--remove"])
    def test_file_remove_stamp(arg1, arg2):
        """Check the retraction of the leading time stamp."""
        substitution = {"default" : "2021-09-21",
                        "compact" : "20210921",
                        "month"   : "2021-09",
                        "short"   : "210921",
                        "withtime": "2021-09-21T13.59.59"}
        prepend = substitution.get(arg1)
        BASIS = "test.txt"
        TFILE = ""
        TFILE = "_".join([prepend, BASIS])
        with open(TFILE, mode = "w") as newfile:
            newfile.write("This is a test file.")
        test = getoutput(f"python3 {PROGRAM} {TFILE} {arg2}")
        assert os.path.isfile(TFILE) is False  # absence of stamped file
        assert os.path.isfile(BASIS)           # presence unstamped file
        os.remove("test.txt")  # successful space cleaning for next test
        assert os.path.isfile("test.txt") is False

perform the tests on folders [6/6]

At present, most of the instructions already defined and used in section “test on files” are repeated with small adjustments for checking date2name’s action on folders. This approach isn’t dry; though, given current experience, it however is more reliable in eventual code execution running pytest, than stacking the files/folders levels as an additional parameter.

  • [X] default pattern, YYYY-MM-DD_ prepended
    @pytest.mark.parametrize("arg1", [" ", "-d", "--directories",
                                      "-m", "--mtime",
                                      "-c", "--ctime"])
    def test_folder_pattern_default(arg1, name=TFOLDER):
        """Prepend 'YYYY-MM-DD_' to the folder name."""
        day = str("")
        new = str("")
        if arg1 in [" ", "-d", "--directories", "-m", "--mtime"]:
            day = query_modification_time(name).split()[0]
        elif arg1 in ["-c", "--ctime"]:
            day = query_creation_time(name).split()[0]
        new = "_".join([day, name])
        test = getoutput(f"python3 {PROGRAM} {name} {arg1}")
        assert os.path.isdir(name) is False  # absence unstamped folder
        assert os.path.isdir(new)            # presence stamped folder
        assert os.path.isdir(new) is False   # space cleaning
  • [X] compact pattern, YYYYMMDD_ prepended
    @pytest.mark.parametrize("arg1", ["-C", "--compact",
                                      "-C -d", "--compact -d",
                                      "-C --directories", "--compact --directories",
                                      "-C -m", "--compact -m",
                                      "-C --mtime", "--compact --mtime",
                                      "-C -c", "--compact -c",
                                      "-C --ctime", "--compact --ctime"])
    def test_folder_pattern_compact(arg1, name=TFOLDER):
        """Prepend 'YYYYMMDD_' to the folder name."""
        day = str("")
        new = str("")
        if arg1 in ["-C", "--compact",
                    "-C -d", "--compact -d",
                    "-C --directories", "--compact --directories",
                    "-C -m", "--compact -m",
                    "-C --mtime", "--compact --mtime"]:
            day = query_modification_time(name).split()[0]
        elif arg1 in ["-C -c", "--compact -c",
                      "-C --ctime", "--compact --ctime"]:
            day = query_creation_time(name).split()[0]
        # drop the hyphens in the date stamp:
        day = day.replace("-", "")
        new = "_".join([day, name])
        test = getoutput(f"python3 {PROGRAM} {name} {arg1}")
        assert os.path.isdir(name) is False  # absence unstamped folder
        assert os.path.isdir(new)            # presence stamped folder
        assert os.path.isdir(new) is False   # space cleaning
  • [X] month pattern, YYYY-MM_ prepended
    @pytest.mark.parametrize("arg1", ["-M", "--month",
                                      "-M -d", "--month -d",
                                      "-M --directories", "--month --directories",
                                      "-M -m", "--month -m",
                                      "-M --mtime", "--month --mtime",
                                      "-M -c", "--month -c",
                                      "-M --ctime", "--month --ctime"])
    def test_file_pattern_month(arg1, name=TFOLDER):
        """Prepend 'YYYY-MM_' to the file name."""
        day = str("")
        new = str("")
        if arg1 in ["-M", "--month",
                    "-M -d", "--month -d",
                    "-M --directories", "--month --directories",
                    "-M -m", "--month -m",
                    "-M --mtime", "--month --mtime"]:
            day = query_modification_time(name).split()[0]
        elif arg1 in ["-M -c", "--month -c",
                      "-M --ctime", "--month --ctime"]:
            day = query_creation_time(name).split()[0]
        # trim off the last three characters in the date stamp:
        day = day[:-3]
        new = "_".join([day, name])
        test = getoutput(f"python3 {PROGRAM} {name} {arg1}")
        assert os.path.isdir(name) is False  # absence unstamped folder
        assert os.path.isdir(new)            # presence stamped folder
        assert os.path.isdir(new) is False   # space cleaning
  • [X] short pattern, YYMMDD_ prepended
    @pytest.mark.parametrize("arg1", ["-S", "--short",
                                      "-S -d", "--short -d",
                                      "-S --directories", "--short --directories",
                                      "-S -m", "--short -m",
                                      "-S --mtime", "--short --mtime",
                                      "-S -c", "--short -c",
                                      "-S --ctime", "--short --ctime"])
    def test_folder_pattern_short(arg1, name=TFOLDER):
        """Prepend 'YYMMDD_' to the file name."""
        day = str("")
        new = str("")
        if arg1 in ["-S", "--short",
                    "-S -d", "--short -d",
                    "-S --directories", "--short --directories",
                    "-S -m", "--short -m",
                    "-S --mtime", "--short --mtime"]:
            day = query_modification_time(name).split()[0]
        elif arg1 in ["-S -c", "--short -c",
                      "-S --ctime", "--short --ctime"]:
            day = query_creation_time(name).split()[0]
        # drop the hyphens in the date stamp:
        day = day.replace("-", "")
        # drop the first two characters about the year (e.g., 1789 -> 89)
        day = day[2:]
        new = "_".join([day, name])
        test = getoutput(f"python3 {PROGRAM} {name} {arg1}")
        assert os.path.isdir(name) is False  # absence unstamped folder
        assert os.path.isdir(new)            # presence stamped folder
        assert os.path.isdir(new) is False   # space cleaning
  • [X] withtime pattern, prepended
    @pytest.mark.parametrize("arg1", ["-w -d", "-w --directories",
                                      "--withtime -d", "--withtime --directories",
                                      "-w -m", "-w --mtime",
                                      "--withtime -m", "--withtime --mtime",
                                      "-w -c", "-w --ctime",
                                      "--withtime -c", "--withtime --ctime"])
    def test_file_pattern_withtime(arg1, name=TFOLDER):
        """Prepend '' to the folder name."""
        day = str("")
        new = str("")
        if arg1 in ["-w -d", "-w --directories",
                    "--withtime -d", "--withtime --directories",
                    "-w -m", "-w --mtime",
                    "--withtime -m", "--withtime --mtime"]:
            day = query_modification_time(name).split()[0]
            second = query_modification_time(name).split()[1]
        elif arg1 in ["-w -c", "-w --ctime",
                      "--withtime -c", "--withtime --ctime"]:
            day = query_creation_time(name).split()[0]
            second = query_creation_time(name).split()[1]
        second = second.split(".")[0]  # use integer seconds only
        second = second.replace(":", ".")  # adjust representation
        new = "".join([day, "T", second, "_", name])
        test = getoutput(f"python3 {PROGRAM} {name} {arg1}")
        assert os.path.isdir(name) is False  # absence unstamped folder
        assert os.path.isdir(new)            # presence stamped folder
        assert os.path.isdir(new) is False   # space cleaning
  • [X] retraction of the date/time stamp
    @pytest.mark.parametrize("arg1", ["default",
                                      "compact", "month", "short",
    @pytest.mark.parametrize("arg2", ["-r", "--remove"])
    def test_folder_remove_stamp(arg1, arg2, name=TFOLDER):
        """Check the retraction of the leading time stamp."""
        substitution = {"default" : "2021-09-21",
                        "compact" : "20210921",
                        "month"   : "2021-09",
                        "short"   : "210921",
                        "withtime": "2021-09-21T13.59.59"}
        prepend = substitution.get(arg1)
        BASIS = str(name)
        stamped_folder = ""
        stamped_folder = "_".join([prepend, BASIS])
        assert os.path.isdir(stamped_folder)  # presence stamped folder
        test = getoutput(f"python3 {PROGRAM} {stamped_folder} {arg2}")
        assert os.path.isdir(stamped_folder) is False
        assert os.path.isdir(name)           # presence unstamped folder
        assert os.path.isdir(name) is False  # space cleaning