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Nordnet nExt API Javascript client

NPM version Build Status Dependency Status

Isomorphic JS client for Nordnet nExt API. Client can be used both on the client and server side. Client should be used for making HTTP requests towards nExt API. See nExt API documentation for a list of possible requests.



npm install --save nordnet-next-api


Library can be used on the client and server side.

import api from 'nordnet-next-api';

  .then(({ status, data }) => console.log(status, data));
var api = require('nordnet-next-api');
var express = require('express');
var app = express();

app.get('/', function (req, res) {
    .then(function(response) {

Authentication is required to be able to use nExt API. Authorization header can be used to pass session token when communicating to the API. See nExt API documentation for more details on how to get test account and authenticate against nExt API.

This lib does not use babel-polyfill, so you might have to add it yourself, e.g. if you are building for IE11.

In you application:

import 'babel-polyfill'; // at your application entry point

Or in webpack.config.js

  entry: ['babel-polyfill', 'your_app_entry.js']


  • api.get(url, params = {}, headers = {})
  •, params = {}, headers = {})
  • api.postJson(url, params = {}, headers = {}) with { 'Content-type': 'application/json;' } in headers
  • api.put(url, params = {}, headers = {})
  • api.putJson(url, params = {}, headers = {})api.put with { 'Content-type': 'application/json;' } in headers
  • api.del(url, params = {}, headers = {})

Each method returns a Promise, which resolves or rejects with Object { response, data, status } where

Promise is rejected when HTTP status code is greater or equal 400.


Type: String Example:

  • /api/2/login
  • /api/2/accounts/{accno}
  • /api/2/instruments/{instrument_id}?positions={positions}

Note: interpolated url params are taken from params argument. If url contains a key, which doesn't exist in params, promise will be rejected with Error.


Type: Object
Default: {}

Object params is used to

  • interpolate url params.
  • if headers contains "Content-type": "application/json" for constructing request payload.
  • otherwise for constructing request body.


Type: Object
Default: {}

See Fetch API Headers

Basic usage

import api from 'nordnet-next-api';

  .get('{accno}', { accno: 123456789 })
  .then(({ status, data, response }) => console.log(status, data, response));

Returned response contains

  • status (HTTP response status)
  • data (either JSON or plain string depending on Content-type header)
  • response (Response interface of Fetch API)

Setting root URL before querying

import api from 'nordnet-next-api';

api.setConfig({ root: '' });

api.get('/accounts/{accno}', { accno: 123456789 })
  .then(response => console.log(response));

The following config keys are supported:

  • root sets base root URL
  • ntag set initial nTag value
  • clientid set the client-id default header

Passing path parameters

import { get } from 'nordnet-next-api';

get('{accno}', { accno: 123456789 })
  .then(({ status, data }) => console.log(status, data));

Passing query parameters

import { get } from 'nordnet-next-api';

get('{days}', { days: 0 })
  .then(({ status, data }) => console.log(status, data));

Passing POST parameters

import { post } from 'nordnet-next-api';

post('{key}', { key: 'foo', value: { bar: 'bar' }})
  .then(({ status, data }) => console.log(status, data));

Passing additional headers

import { get } from 'nordnet-next-api';

get('{market_id}', { market_id: 11 }, { 'Accept-Language': 'sv' })
  .then(({ status, data }) => console.log(status, data));

See tests under src/__tests__ for more examples.

Passing custom HTTP agent

import http from 'http';
import { get } from 'nordnet-next-api';

const agent = new http.Agent();

get('{market_id}', { market_id: 11 }, { 'Accept-Language': 'sv' }, { agent })
  .then(({ status, data }) => console.log(status, data));

Setting up default HTTP agent

import http from 'http';
import api from 'nordnet-next-api';

const agent = new http.Agent();

api.setConfig({ agent });

get('{market_id}', { market_id: 11 }, { 'Accept-Language': 'sv' })
  .then(({ status, data }) => console.log(status, data));

Example projects

nordnet-next-api is distributed with a two simple example projects.

Before proceeding, install dependencies and build the project:

npm install
npm run build

Run the client side example:

cd examples/client
npm install
npm start

Run the server side example:

cd examples/server
npm install
npm start


This Open Source project released by Nordnet is licensed under the MIT license.