Releases: noaa-oar-arl/NACC
The NOAA-EPA Atmosphere-Chemistry Coupler (NACC) version 2.1.3
Minor release that fixes a bug due to array size mismatches with nrows and ncols.
The NOAA-EPA Atmosphere-Chemistry Coupler (NACC) version 2.1.2
Minor release that fixes a few bugs due to slight array size mismatches.
The NOAA-EPA Atmosphere-Chemistry Coupler (NACC) version 2.1.1
Added coriolis and theta calculations needed for the LPV option turned on, which outputs the potential vorticity (PV) in the metcro3d file. The PV is needed in Hemispheric CMAQ applicaitions, which uses the polar stereographic projection (GDTYP = 6).
The NOAA-EPA Atmosphere-Chemistry Coupler (NACC) version 2.1.0
New NACC version 2.1.0, which allows for a new user output GRIDTYP option 6 (Polar Stereographic) for Hemispheric-CMAQ applications with global FV3-GFSv16 inputs.
The NOAA-EPA Atmosphere-Chemistry Coupler (NACC) version 2.0.0
NACC version 2.0.0, which allows for reading and processing FV3 Short Range Weather-Limited Area Model (SRW-LAM) meteorology files for input to the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model.
The NOAA-EPA Atmosphere-Chemistry Coupler (NACC) version 1.3.2
This version of NACC introduces the capability to read canopy based parameters, e.g., canopy height, clumping index, forest canopy fraction, LAI cumulative fractions, etc. The variables were provided by Paul Makar at ECCC, and follow their implementation of in-canopy effects of photolysis attenuation and turbulence effects. The driving canopy variables found in the NACC "geofiles" may be provided by request (
The NOAA-EPA Atmosphere-Chemistry Coupler (NACC) version 1.3.1
This update of NACC now includes the integration of the bioseason frost switch file, which if set by user will output the single additional variable "SEASON" read by CMAQ to determine if inline biogenic emissions via BEIS will use either summer or winter normalized emissions. This is based on a simple "soft" switch using the approximate winter/summer seasons and the 2-meter model temperature.
The NOAA-EPA Atmosphere-Chemistry Coupler (NACC) version 1.3.0
This release of NACC (v1.3.0) now includes the capability to ingest and read global, gridded VIIRS LAI inputs (similar to previous release v1.2.0 for VIIRS GVF), and then interpolate to user-defined CMAQ grid.
The NOAA-EPA Atmosphere-Chemistry Coupler (NACC) version 1.2.1
Minor update to make the Fengsha windblown dust variable I/O from NACC a user option.
The NOAA-EPA Atmosphere-Chemistry Coupler (NACC) version 1.2.0
This pre-release update to NACC includes additional optional processing of the near-real time weekly VIIRS Greeness Vegetation Fraction (GVF) use for vegetation fraction (i.e., VEG) in NAQFC-CMAQ ( If turned off, or VIIRS file not found, then NACC defaults to the FV3GFS vegetation fraction.