Generates random data based on a defined template model.
jsfiddle example:
DataFixture.generate(templateObject, numberOfResults);
templateObject is an object with at least one property.
is the number of results we want to be generated, if numberOfResults
is == 0 it outputs an object. if > 0 it outputs an array of objects.
Generate an object with a randomly set numeric property
var template = {
like: "0...100" /* generate a number between 0 an 100, with no decimals */
DataFixture.generate(template, 0);
// possible output
like: 23
Generate an Array with a randomly set numeric property
var template = {
like: "0...100" /* generate a number between 0 an 100, with no decimals */
DataFixture.generate(template, 20); /* second parameter indicates the number of elements */
// possible output
{like: 23},
{like: 3},
{like: 2},
{like: 22},
{like: 10},
Generate numbers with decimals
var template = {
like: "0...100:2" /* generate a number between 0 an 100, with 2 decimals */
DataFixture.generate(template, 0);
// possible output
like: 12.69
Generate a string from a defined set of values
var template = {
names: ["Ian","Polo", "Oscar", "Fabien", "Rafael"] /* Create string with any of the values from the array */
DataFixture.generate(template, 0);
// possible output
names: "Rafael"
Generate a string from a defined set of values with mixed types
var template = {
names: ["Ian",2, 10.4, true, "Andros"] /* Create string with any of the values from the array */
DataFixture.generate(template, 0);
// possible output
names: 10.4
One level template
var template = {
score: "0...100:2" /* generate a number between 0 an 100, with 2 decimals */
names: ["Paula", "Darek", "Ian", "Monica", "Andros", "Kenji"] /* Create string with any of the values from the array */
DataFixture.generate(template, 6);
// possible output
{score: 45.67, names: "Andros"},
{score: 5.73, names: "Ian"},
{score: 34.45, names: "Paula"},
{score: 53.76, names: "Darek"},
{score: 99.28, names: "Monica"},
{score: 0.12, names: "Kenji"}
Nested levels template
var template = {
values: "0...100:2",
names: ["Ian",2, 10.4, true, "Andros"],
complex: {
country: ["Mexico", "Canada", "US"]
DataFixture.generate(template, 0);
// possible output
names: 10.4,
values: 13.78,
complex: {
PO: 27882,
country: "Canada"
Nested template with more than one result
var template = {
values: "0...100:2",
names: ["Ian",2, 10.4, true, "Andros"],
complex: {
// _rows_ is a reserved property name
_rows_ : 4,
// _template_ is a reserved property name
_template_ : {
country: ["Mexico", "Canada", "US"]
DataFixture.generate(template, 0);
// possible output
{ values: 97.62,
names: 10.4,
[ { PO: 22468, country: 'US' },
{ PO: 27431, country: 'Canada' },
{ PO: 20893, country: 'Canada' },
{ PO: 25644, country: 'Canada' } ]
Values of properties can also be functions
var df = DataFixture.generate({
return DataFixture.getRandom(0,30) + ":" + DataFixture.getRandom(0,15);
// possible output
[ { coordinates: '15:7' },
{ coordinates: '14:11' },
{ coordinates: '19:15' },
{ coordinates: '15:9' },
{ coordinates: '17:2' },
{ coordinates: '25:3' },
{ coordinates: '4:1' },
{ coordinates: '12:9' },
{ coordinates: '15:2' },
{ coordinates: '7:8' } ]
Create Lorem Ipsum paragraphs with random lengths
var x = DataFixture.generate({
// you may define the range of possible words to use
// this case: from 1 to 3 words, if omitted it will by default "1...10"
"lorem": "lorem:1...3"
}, 10);
[ { lorem: 'Lorem' },
{ lorem: 'Lorem ipsum' },
{ lorem: 'Lorem ipsum' },
{ lorem: 'Lorem ipsum' },
{ lorem: 'Lorem ipsum dolor' },
{ lorem: 'Lorem ipsum' },
{ lorem: 'Lorem' },
{ lorem: 'Lorem ipsum dolor' },
{ lorem: 'Lorem' },
{ lorem: 'Lorem ipsum' } ]
All feedback is welcomed