this project was for goal to import nintendo GC/Wii ".bmd" 3D models, using blender (
The history of this plugin is long, and incredibly hard to trace.
It started with BMD Viewer from YAZ0 (just where is this person's home page?), in C++, then BMDview2 by thakis (
it has a copy on the google code server (
Originally I saw it from this discussion thread:
And that had this download link:
An older Readme.txt file that was found from a file BMDview2.rar said:
latest version of BMD View 2 at
The official emutalk thread for this program can be found at (part 1), and at (part 2).
Oh, and it is here ( too.
then, because the exportation was really lossy, MaxBMD, a MaxScript variation that used 3dsMax from Autodesk, was created. It was based on bmdview2pre3 (homepage at download source at by thakis. it still had a lot of bugs, and a LOT of different branches. Plus 3dsMax is expensive, And (from my perspective) maxscript is hard to debug due to the need to reboot 3dsMax (a several-minutes process) after each modification. the discussion where it originaly(?) appeared is here:
It was then adapted by Niacdoial (me) from Avatarus-One's version on Github( and a bit of the latest BMDView2 program (and planning to use more of it for better materials) to use blender instead (plus, it is a python plug-in, so that language is far easier to debug, and robust IDEs exist)
Finally, the current verion (BleMD) is part of a no-admin-needed pipeline (if you have the right C++ libraries (most PCs do))