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File metadata and controls

367 lines (232 loc) · 11.6 KB



GET /challenges/

Returns a list of all, as active marked, Challenges elements.


  • public
  • s-maxage=90


  • id (string) Challenges unique ID as used in MatchSettings
  • name (string) Name of Challenge given by author
  • seen_count (integer) How many times the Challenge was the current Challenge
  • seen_last (integer) Last time the Challenge was set as current Challenge, as UNIX-Timestamp
  • time_limit (integer) How long the Challenge stays the current Challenge, in milliseconds

GET /challenges/{challenge_id}/

Returns a Challenge.Gbx as file-download with given id or 404 if the requested Challenge could not be found


  • public
  • s-maxage=10000

GET /challenges/current/

Returns information about current Challenge or Null if there is no current Challenge (e.g. if the dedicated server is switching Challenges)


  • public
  • s-maxage=9


  • id (string) Challenges unique ID as used in MatchSettings
  • name (string) Name of Challenge given by author
  • seen_count (integer) How many times the Challenge was the current Challenge
  • seen_last (integer) Last time the Challenge was set as current Challenge, as UNIX-Timestamp
  • time_limit (integer) How long the Challenge stays the current Challenge, in milliseconds
  • rel_time (integer) The value of relevant time, used for time_limit calculation, in milliseconds
  • lap_race (boolean) Challenge is a multilap Challenge or not
  • nb_laps (integer) Number of laps, in multilap Challenges, the rel_time is based on
  • active (boolean) If Challenge is contained in currently used MatchSettings (should allways be True)

GET /challenges/next/

Returns information about next Challenge or Null if there is no next Challenge (e.g. if TAS lost connection to dedicated server)


  • public
  • s-maxage=9


  • id (string) Challenges unique ID as used in MatchSettings
  • name (string) Name of Challenge given by author
  • seen_count (integer) How many times the Challenge was the current Challenge
  • seen_last (integer) Last time the Challenge was set as current Challenge, as UNIX-Timestamp
  • time_limit (integer) How long the Challenge stays the current Challenge, in milliseconds
  • rel_time (integer) The value of relevant time, used for time_limit calculation, in milliseconds
  • lap_race (boolean) Challenge is a multilap Challenge or not
  • nb_laps (integer) Number of laps, in multilap Challenges, the rel_time is based on
  • active (boolean) If Challenge is contained in currently used MatchSettings (should allways be True)

GET /players/

Returns a list of all Player elements present on server


  • public
  • s-maxage=29


  • id (string) Internally used unique ID of Player
  • name (string) Ingame nickname of Player
  • last_update (integer) At which time TAS recognized the last activity of Player, as UNIX-Timestamp
  • ip (string) IP of Players computer (or Null if not recognized or set)

GET /players/{player_id}/

Returns details for single Player, or Null if given player_id can't be found on server


  • public
  • s-maxage=29


  • id (string) Internally used unique ID of Player
  • name (string) Ingame nickname of Player
  • last_update (integer) At which time TAS recognized the last activity of Player, as UNIX-Timestamp
  • current_uid (integer) UID TMNF-Dedicated server has currently assigned to Player
  • ip (string) IP of Players computer (or Null if not recognized or set)

GET /players/me/

Returns player with the same IP as the request is made from (or Null if no corresponding Player is found)


  • no-cache


  • id (string) Internally used unique ID of Player
  • name (string) Ingame nickname of Player
  • last_update (integer) At which time TAS recognized the last activity of Player, as UNIX-Timestamp
  • current_uid (integer) UID TMNF-Dedicated server has currently assigned to Player
  • ip (string) IP of Players computer (or Null if not recognized or set)

PATCH /players/me/

Assigns the requesting IP to the, in playload, given Player.

! Ensure the tailing /

Request Data

JSON-Document with following Attributes:

  • player_id (string) Internally used unique ID of Player

Response Data

JSON-Document with following Attributes:

  • s (integer) Return state
  • m (string) Message describing state
Possible States

Following states are possible to be returned:

  • 0 Operation executed as requested
  • 1 player_id is missing in request data or invalid player_id
  • 2 Player does allready have a IP assigned
  • 3 IP allready assigned to a different Player

GET /players/hotseat/

Returns the current TAS-HotSeat-Mode Player (or Null if HotSeat-Mode is not enabled or no Player-name is set currently)


  • no-cache


  • id (string) Internally used unique ID of Player
  • name (string) Ingame nickname of Player
  • last_update (integer) At which time TAS recognized the last activity of Player, as UNIX-Timestamp
  • current_uid (integer) UID TMNF-Dedicated server has currently assigned to Player
  • ip (string) IP of Players computer (should allways be Null in this case)

PATCH /players/hotseat/

Assigns the, in payload, given name as the new hotseat Player.

! Ensure the tailing /

Request Data

JSON-Document with following Attributes:

  • name (string) Name of the new Player

Response Data

JSON-Document with following Attributes:

  • s (integer) Return state
  • m (string) Message describing state
Possible States

Following states are possible to be returned:

  • 0 Operation executed as requested
  • 1 The TAS-HotSeat-Mode not enabled
  • 2 name is missing in request data
  • 3 invalid character in name (validation error)

GET /players/{player_id}/rankings/

Returns a list of all Players challenge ranking elements for given player_id


  • public
  • s-maxage=3


  • challenge_id (string) Challenges unique ID as used in MatchSettings
  • at (integer) At which time the Player drove it's best Laptime on Challenge, as UNIX-Timestamp
  • rank (integer) Challenge rank of this Player
  • time (integer) Best Laptime of Player on Challenge, in milliseconds
  • points (integer) Challenge points of this Player

GET /players/{player_id}/laptimes/

Returns a list of all Laptime elements for given player_id


  • public
  • s-maxage=59


  • challenge_id (string) Challenges unique ID as used in MatchSettings
  • time (integer) Laptime of Player on Challenge, in milliseconds
  • created_at (integer) At which time the Player drove Laptime on Challenge, as UNIX-Timestamp
  • replay (string) Name of replay for laptime as it is stored in S3; Null if no replay is available

GET /players/{player_id}/laptimes/{challenge_id}/

Returns a list of all Laptime elements of given player_id for given challenge_id


  • public
  • s-maxage=29


  • time (integer) Laptime of Player on Challenge, in milliseconds
  • created_at (integer) At which time the Player drove Laptime on Challenge, as UNIX-Timestamp
  • replay (string) Name of replay for laptime as it is stored in S3; Null if no replay is available

GET /rankings/{challenge_id}/

Returns a list of all Players challenge ranking elements for given challenge_id


  • public
  • s-maxage=3


  • player_id (string) Internally used unique ID of Player
  • at (integer) At which time the Player drove it's best Laptime on Challenge, as UNIX-Timestamp
  • rank (integer) Challenge rank of this Player
  • time (integer) Best Laptime of Player on Challenge, in milliseconds
  • points (integer) Challenge points of this Player

GET /rankings/

Returns a list of all Players global ranking elements


  • public
  • s-maxage=3


  • player_id (string) Internally used unique ID of Player
  • rank (integer) Global rank of this Player
  • points (integer) Global points of this Player

GET /replays/

Returns a list of all Laptimes that have a Replay


  • public
  • s-maxage=30


  • player_id (string) Internally used unique ID of Player
  • challenge_id (string) Challenges unique ID as used in MatchSettings
  • time (integer) Laptime of Player on Challenge, in milliseconds
  • created_at (integer) At which time the Player drove Laptime on Challenge, as UNIX-Timestamp
  • replay (string) Name of replay for laptime as it is stored in S3

GET /replays/{replay_name}/

Returns a Replay as file-download with given name or 404 if the requested Replay could not be found


  • public
  • s-maxage=10000

GET /thumbnails/

Returns a list of all Thumbnails with their related Challenge info


  • public
  • s-maxage=30


  • challenge_id (string) Challenges unique ID as used in MatchSettings
  • name (string) Name of Challenge given by author
  • thumbnail (string) Name of thumbnail as it is stored in S3

GET /thumbnails/{thumbnail_name}/

Returns a Thumbnail as file-download with given name or 404 if the requested Thumbnail could not be found


  • public
  • s-maxage=10000

GET /settings/

Returns dynamic settings


  • public
  • s-maxage=59


  • version (string) Returns the Version the Database (and TMNF-TAS) is running on
  • wallboard_players_max (integer) Maximum number of Players displayed on wallboard
  • wallboard_challenges_max (integer) Maximum number of Challenges displayer in challenges-ticker on wallboard
  • tmnfd_name (string) Ingame name of TMNF-Dedicated server
  • display_self_url (string) URL that should point to the TAS website (or Null if not set)
  • display_admin (string) What is displayed as the server-admin contact (or Null if not set)
  • client_download_url (string) URL pointing to TMNF-Client installer (or Null if not set)
  • provide_replays (boolean) Indicates if replay files are provided or not
  • provide_thumbnails (boolean) Indicates if challenge thumbnail files are provided or not
  • provide_challenges (boolean) Indicates if challenge Gbx files are provided or not
  • start_time (integer) Timestamp at which the Tournament starts (or Null if not set)
  • end_time (integer) Timestamp at which the Tournament ends (or Null if not set)
  • hotseat_mode (boolean) Indicates if server is running in TAS-HotSeat-Mode or not

GET /stats/

Returns current stats of stuff happening on server


  • public
  • s-maxage=29


  • total_players (integer) the number of individual players ever joined to server
  • active_players (integer) the number of players currently playing on server
  • laptimes_count (integer) the summed up count of all laptimes by all players on all challenges
  • laptimes_sum (integer) the summed up time of all laptimes by all players on all challenges in milliseconds
  • challenges_total_seen_count (integer) summed up see_count of all challenges
