To create connection you need first initialize a communicator and get an authentication token
The simply create a connection.
If communicator is connect, the connection will try to connect immediately. Otherwise, it will wait until communicator is started.
The communicator connector will keep connection on using heartbeat message and will try to reconnect if the server responds that connection is expired.
However the current implementation will not try to reconnect the communicator. If a websocket connection is closed, the connection will remain disconnected.
The connection notifies about errors, state changes, and data received using listeners. Multiple listeners can be attached to one connection.
Note: The listeners are executed in a separate task, so they won't affect the connection state machine or processing, but if one action executes for a long time, it will affect other actions.
Note: It is safe to subscribe or unsubscribe from inside of the listener.
class DXFeedConnection {
+ SubscribeListener()
+ UnsubscribeListener()
class IDXFeedConnectionListener
DXFeedConnection *--> "*" IDXFeedConnectionListener : "invokes"
The connection is established after the following exchange:
Client ->> Application : state: connecting
Client -) Server : handshake(token)
Server --) Client : handshake response (clientid)
Client -) Server : heartbit (clientid)
Server --) Client : response (success)
Client ->> Application : state: ready to subscribe
The connection state machine is
[*] --> readyToConnect
readyToConnect --> connecting : automatically
connecting --> connecting : authorization response
connecting --> readyToConnect : first heartbeat
connecting --> disconnected : close socket
connecting --> readyToSubscribe : first heartbeat response
readyToSubscribe --> readyToSubscribe : heartbeat
readyToSubscribe --> readyToConnect : failed heartbeat
disconnected --> readyToConnect : restart communicator
See also dxFeed Symbol Guide
The candle symbol format is symbol{=aggregationPeriod}
Examples of aggregation period are d
, 4h
, 1h
, 15m
, 1m
The candle history is always received from the date requested up to now.
class IDXFeedConnectionListener {
+OnQuoteReceived(connection, quote : DXFeedResponseQuote)
+OnCandleReceived(connection, quote : DXFeedResponseCandle)
class IDXFeedConnection {
+ SubscribeForQuotes(symbols : string[])
+ UnsubscribeFromQuotes(symbols : string[])
+ SubscribeForCandles(requests : DXFeedCandleRequest[])
+ UnsubscribeFromCandles(requests : DXFeedCandleRequest[])
IDXFeedConnection ..> IDXFeedConnectionListener : notifies
Interaction on quotes
Connection -) Application : status(readyToSubscribe)
Application -) Connection : subscribe(symbol)
Connection -) Application : *quoteReceived(quote)
Application -) Connection : unsubscribe(symbol)
Interaction on candles
Connection -) Application : status(readyToSubscribe)
Application -) Connection : subscribe(candleRequest)
Connection -) Application : candleReceived(currentCandle)
Connection -) Application : candleReceived(candle)
Connection -) Application : candleReceived(firstCandle)
Connection -) Application : candleReceived(candle w NaN values)
Connection -) Application : *candleReceived(currentCandle)
Application -) Connection : unsubscribe(symbol)