Do you remember Astrid? Such a great mobile task manager (Yahoo bought it and shut it down). I'd like to build a rails app to capture many of the features I liked.
- Shared tasks
- Assign entire list to someone
- Assign individual tasks in a list to someone
- have many lists
- have many tasks through lists Lists
- belong to user
- have many tasks Tasks
- belong to list
Users need to have many assigned tasks, and tasks should be assigned to a user Defaults to user who created
Users need to be able to be associated to each other, e.g. I shouldn't be able to assign a task to any user.
index - marketing, link to signup/signin Logged in index should show all assigned and owned tasks that are assigned to others, organized by list Drill into each list '/lists/1' or maybe '/users/1/lists/2'
Index should be only unprotected route
User can CRUD lists and tasks Assigned user can mark task as complete and comment, but nothing else if he/she is not creator of task
- View as Kanban -> list level and task level
- Use Google Maps api for something, because Google
- Voice to text
- Some form of comments, like
- Graphs => completed vs pending
- Astrid had funny messages whenever you completed a task
- Snooze until like in gmail