A very mini OS kernel, including the MBR boot sector, BL2 (ntmio.sys) and the kernel (kernel.sys).
To build the NtmOS on Ubuntu 20.10, the following tools/libraries/packages are needed:
- gcc
- mtools
- make
- nasm >= 2.15 (The Ubuntu 20.10 built in one is 2.14 which will lack some of the support, so need to download the latest version from nasm official website)
- gcc-multilib/g++-multilib (To build 32bit by gcc on 64bit Linux)
It's simple, go to the source code directory, and run the following command (thanks for docker, we can even make the build on Windows):
For Linux:
# ./build.sh
For Windows:
# ./build.ps1
If nothing went wrong, then you will get a 'ntmos.img' file, this is the floppy image generated, which is built as FAT12 with MBR, BL2 and kernel in it.
Just use any virtual machine software to create a virtual machine and mount this file as floppy disk and boot from it, then it will work.